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Phenacoccus peruvianus
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Phenacoccus peruvianus +
Categories Phenacoccus (genus)
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8 May 2017 14:54:56  +
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Arthropod-Plant Interactions (2018) 12, 41-48 + , BioControl (2013) 58, 309-317 + , BioControl (2013) 58, 309-317 + , BioControl (2013) 58, 309-317 + , BioControl (2013) 58, 309-317 + , BioControl (2015) 60, 473-484 + , Biocontrol Science and Technology (2015) 25, 108-120 + , Biocontrol Science and Technology (2015) 25, 108-120 + , EPPO Bulletin (2015) 45, 139-143 + , EPPO Bulletin (2017) 47, 104-106 + , International Journal of Tropical Insect Science (2023) 43, 137-148 + , International Journal of Tropical Insect Science (2023) 43, 137-148 + , International Journal of Tropical Insect Science (2023) 43, 137-148 + , Journal für Kulturpflanzen - Journal of Cultivated Plants (2015) 67, 254-256 + , Journal of Economic Entomology (2013) 106, 1486-1494 + , Journal of Insect Behavior (2014) 27, 439-453 + , Journal of Pest Science (2013) 86, 253-259 + , Journal of Pest Science (2013) 86, 253-259 + , REDIA (2019) 102, 99-106 + Pest
Arthropod-Plant Interactions (2018) 12, 41-48 + , BioControl (2013) 58, 309-317 + , BioControl (2015) 60, 473-484 + , Biocontrol Science and Technology (2015) 25, 108-120 + , EPPO Bulletin (2015) 45, 139-143 + , EPPO Bulletin (2017) 47, 104-106 + , International Journal of Tropical Insect Science (2023) 43, 137-148 + , Journal für Kulturpflanzen - Journal of Cultivated Plants (2015) 67, 254-256 + , Journal of Economic Entomology (2013) 106, 1486-1494 + , Journal of Insect Behavior (2014) 27, 439-453 + , Journal of Pest Science (2013) 86, 253-259 + , REDIA (2019) 102, 99-106 + Publication on pest
Bougainvillea-Wolllaus + , Bougainvillea mealybug + , Cochenille du bougainvillier + , Cotonet de la buganvilla + redirect page


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