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Oecologia (2012) 169, 763-772 |
Dc:date | 2012 + |
Dc:title | Testing the directed dispersal hypothesis: are native ant mounds (''Formica'' sp.) favorable microhabitats for an invasive plant? + |
Foaf:maker | Moni C. Berg-Binder and Andrew V. Suarez + |
Prism:publicationName | Oecologia + |
Prism:startingPage | 763 + |
Prism:volume | 169 (3) + |
Publication on pest | Euphorbia (weeds) + , Euphorbia virgata (weed) + |
Publication year | 2,012 + |
Research topic | environment - cropping system/rotation + |
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Oecologia (2012) 169, 763-772 + , Oecologia (2012) 169, 763-772 + |
Categories | Publications |
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10 March 2023 11:07:13 + |
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Oecologia (2012) 169, 763-772 + , Oecologia (2012) 169, 763-772 + |
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Oecologia (2012) 169, 763-772 + , Oecologia (2012) 169, 763-772 + | Pest record |