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Hesperomyces virescens (entomopathogen)
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Hesperomyces virescens (entomopathogen) +
Categories Laboulbeniales (entomopathogens)
Modification date
This property is a special property in this wiki.
28 August 2018 16:03:03  +
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BioControl (2014) 59, 229-240 + , Bulletin of Insectology (2010) 63, 13-20 + , Bulletin of Insectology (2010) 63, 71-78 + , Ecology and Evolution (2021) 11, 16618-16633 + , European Journal of Entomology (2006) 103, 799-804 + , European Journal of Entomology (2008) 105, 391-398 + , European Journal of Entomology (2013) 110, 549-557 + , Insects (2018) 9 (2 - 67) + , Journal of Insect Science (2006) 6 (42), 1-15 + , PLoS ONE (2018) 13 (11 - e0202841) + , Parasite (2016) 23 (5) - First finding of the parasitic ... + , Psyche (2012) 2012 (814378), 1-7 + Beneficial
BioControl (2014) 59, 229-240 + , Bulletin of Insectology (2010) 63, 13-20 + , Bulletin of Insectology (2010) 63, 71-78 + , Ecology and Evolution (2021) 11, 16618-16633 + , European Journal of Entomology (2006) 103, 799-804 + , European Journal of Entomology (2008) 105, 391-398 + , European Journal of Entomology (2013) 110, 549-557 + , Insects (2018) 9 (2 - 67) + , Journal of Insect Science (2006) 6 (42), 1-15 + , PLoS ONE (2018) 13 (11 - e0202841) + , Parasite (2016) 23 (5) - First finding of the parasitic ... + , Psyche (2012) 2012 (814378), 1-7 + Publication on beneficial


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