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Florida Entomologist (2018) 101, 40-43
Author Page José Cola Zanuncio + , Carlos Frederico Wilcken +
Benf research rearing/culturing/mass production  +
Dc:date 2018  +
Dc:title Does diet of prey affect life table parameters of the predator ''[[Podisus nigrispinus (predator)|Podisus nigrispinus]]'' (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae)?  +
Foaf:maker Robson José Esteves Peluzio, Bárbara Monteiro de Castro e Castro, Bruno Pandelo Brügger, Angelica Plata-Rueda, Flávio Lemes Fernandes, Ricardo Henrique Silva Santos, [[Carlos Frederico Wilcken]] and [[José Cola Zanuncio]]  +
Prism:publicationName Florida Entomologist  +
Prism:startingPage 40  +
Prism:volume 101 (1)  +
Publication on beneficial Podisus (genus - predators) + , Podisus nigrispinus (predator) +
Publication year 2,018  +
Research topic biocontrol - natural enemies  +
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Florida Entomologist (2018) 101, 40-43 +
Categories Publications
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28 April 2019 16:53:11  +
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Florida Entomologist (2018) 101, 40-43 + , Florida Entomologist (2018) 101, 40-43 +
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Florida Entomologist (2018) 101, 40-43 + , Florida Entomologist (2018) 101, 40-43 + Beneficial record


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