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Florida Entomologist (2017) 100, 168-171
Author Page José Cola Zanuncio +
Dc:date 2017  +
Dc:title Invasion of the main cocoa-producing region of South America by ''[[Maconellicoccus hirsutus]]'' (Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae)  +
Foaf:maker Mauricio José Fornazier, David dos Santos Martins, Carlos Alberto Spaggiari Souza, Mark Paul Culik, João Marcos Augusto Chipolesch, Débora Lorenção Fornazier, Paulo Sérgio Fiuza Ferreira and [[José Cola Zanuncio]]  +
Prism:publicationName Florida Entomologist  +
Prism:startingPage 168  +
Prism:volume 100 (1)  +
Publication on pest Maconellicoccus (genus) + , Maconellicoccus hirsutus +
Publication year 2,017  +
Research topic population dynamics/ epidemiology  + , surveys/sampling/distribution  +
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Florida Entomologist (2017) 100, 168-171 + , Florida Entomologist (2017) 100, 168-171 +
Categories Publications
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8 March 2019 22:02:18  +
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Florida Entomologist (2017) 100, 168-171 + , Florida Entomologist (2017) 100, 168-171 + , Florida Entomologist (2017) 100, 168-171 + , Florida Entomologist (2017) 100, 168-171 +
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Florida Entomologist (2017) 100, 168-171 + , Florida Entomologist (2017) 100, 168-171 + , Florida Entomologist (2017) 100, 168-171 + , Florida Entomologist (2017) 100, 168-171 + Pest record


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