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Dryocoetes confusus
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Dryocoetes confusus +
Categories Dryocoetes (genus)
Modification date
This property is a special property in this wiki.
24 September 2017 19:04:01  +
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Agricultural and Forest Entomology (2005) 7, 237-244 + , Annual Review of Entomology (2006) 51, 285-308 + , Canadian Journal of Botany - Revue Canadienne de Botanique (1965) 43, 39-43 + , Canadian Journal of Botany - Revue Canadienne de Botanique (2004) 82, 735-741 + , Canadian Journal of Forest Research - Revue Canadienne de Recherche Forestière (2000) 30, 50-58 + , Canadian Journal of Forest Research - Revue Canadienne de Recherche Forestière (2003) 33, 1538-1543 + , Chemoecology (2000) 10, 103-113 + , Chemoecology (2004) 14, 59-66 + , Ecological Entomology (2006) 31, 437-449 + , Environmental Entomology (2003) 32, 742-751 + , Environmental Entomology (2003) 32, 963-969 + , Forests (2023) 14 (2 - 363) + , Journal of Applied Entomology - Zeitschrift für angewandte Entomologie (1998) 122, 287-293 + , Journal of Chemical Ecology (1999) 25, 805-816 + , The Canadian Entomologist (2000) 132, 649-653 + , The Canadian Entomologist (2004) 136, 419-425 + Pest
Agricultural and Forest Entomology (2005) 7, 237-244 + , Annual Review of Entomology (2006) 51, 285-308 + , Canadian Journal of Botany - Revue Canadienne de Botanique (1965) 43, 39-43 + , Canadian Journal of Botany - Revue Canadienne de Botanique (2004) 82, 735-741 + , Canadian Journal of Forest Research - Revue Canadienne de Recherche Forestière (2000) 30, 50-58 + , Canadian Journal of Forest Research - Revue Canadienne de Recherche Forestière (2003) 33, 1538-1543 + , Chemoecology (2000) 10, 103-113 + , Chemoecology (2004) 14, 59-66 + , Ecological Entomology (2006) 31, 437-449 + , Environmental Entomology (2003) 32, 742-751 + , Environmental Entomology (2003) 32, 963-969 + , Forests (2023) 14 (2 - 363) + , Journal of Applied Entomology - Zeitschrift für angewandte Entomologie (1998) 122, 287-293 + , Journal of Chemical Ecology (1999) 25, 805-816 + , The Canadian Entomologist (2000) 132, 649-653 + , The Canadian Entomologist (2004) 136, 419-425 + Publication on pest
Scolyte du sapin de l'ouest + , Western balsam bark beetle + redirect page


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