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Aedes africanus
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Aedes africanus +
Categories Aedes (genus)
Modification date
This property is a special property in this wiki.
31 December 2020 10:25:44  +
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Ecology and Evolution (2018) 8, 3019-3036 + , Environmental Entomology (1981) 10, 592-599 + , Insects (2020) 11 (11 - 747) + , Insects (2020) 11 (11 - 747) + , Insects (2020) 11 (5 - 312) + , Journal of Medical Entomology (1996) 33, 760-765 + , Journal of Medical Entomology (2014) 51, 104-113 + , Journal of Medical Entomology (2019) 56, 453-463 + , Journal of Vector Ecology (2013) 38, 134-142 + , Journal of Vector Ecology (2019) 44, 248-255 + , Medical and Veterinary Entomology (2003) 17, 343-346 + , PLoS ONE (2014) 9 (10 - e109442) + , PLoS ONE (2017) 12 (12 - e0189082) + , PLoS ONE (2021) 16 (5 - e0252369) + , Parasites and Vectors (2012) 5 (175) - Entomological profile of ... + , Parasites and Vectors (2012) 5 (286) - Larval ecology of mosquitoes ... + , Parasites and Vectors (2016) 9 (523) - Oviposition ecology and ... + , Parasites and Vectors (2021) 14 (544) - Risk factors for occurrence + Pest
Ecology and Evolution (2018) 8, 3019-3036 + , Environmental Entomology (1981) 10, 592-599 + , Insects (2020) 11 (11 - 747) + , Insects (2020) 11 (5 - 312) + , Journal of Medical Entomology (1996) 33, 760-765 + , Journal of Medical Entomology (2014) 51, 104-113 + , Journal of Medical Entomology (2019) 56, 453-463 + , Journal of Vector Ecology (2013) 38, 134-142 + , Journal of Vector Ecology (2019) 44, 248-255 + , Medical and Veterinary Entomology (2003) 17, 343-346 + , PLoS ONE (2014) 9 (10 - e109442) + , PLoS ONE (2017) 12 (12 - e0189082) + , PLoS ONE (2021) 16 (5 - e0252369) + , Parasites and Vectors (2012) 5 (175) - Entomological profile of ... + , Parasites and Vectors (2012) 5 (286) - Larval ecology of mosquitoes ... + , Parasites and Vectors (2016) 9 (523) - Oviposition ecology and ... + , Parasites and Vectors (2021) 14 (544) - Risk factors for occurrence + Publication on pest
Stegomyia africanus + redirect page


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