Molecular Plant Pathology (2000) 1, 61-66

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Annemarie, Grandel, Tina Romeis and Jörg Kämper (2000)
Regulation of pathogenic development in the corn smut fungus Ustilago maydis
Molecular Plant Pathology 1 (1), 61-66
Abstract: In Ustilago maydis, the b mating type locus constitutes the central regulatory domain for pathogenic development. The b locus encodes two homeodomain proteins that are thought to function as transcriptional regulators. Here we describe our current view of the different regulatory pathways in which the b locus is involved. We emphasize on the development of tools for the isolation of genes that are directly regulated by b homeodomain proteins.
(The abstract is excluded from the Creative Commons licence and has been copied with permission by the publisher.)
Link to article at publishers website

Research topic(s) for pests/diseases/weeds:
molecular biology - genes

Pest and/or beneficial records:

Beneficial Pest/Disease/Weed Crop/Product Country Quarant.

Mycosarcoma maydis