Mohamed E.I. Badawy

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Name Mohamed E.I. Badawy
Position Associate Professor
Affiliation Alexandria University
Faculty of Agriculture
Department of Pesticide Chemistry and Technology
Website of affiliation
Personal website
Email m_eltaher(at)
Tel. 00201004902923
Remarks Research on natural occurring compounds
Research on plant pests
Chemical modification of natural compounds
Last update 17.12.2012

Publications of Mohamed E.I. Badawy (9 listed):

International Journal of Acarology (2018) 44, 330-340
Mohamed E.I. Badawy, Samir A.M. Abdelgaleil, Nabila F. Mahmoud and Abd El-Salam M. Marei (2018)
Preparation and characterizations of essential oil and monoterpene nanoemulsions and acaricidal activity against two-spotted spider mite (Tetranychus urticae Koch)

Plant Protection Science (2014) 50, 64-69
M.E.I. Badawy, S.A.M. Abdelgaleil, T. Suganuma and M. Fuji (2014)
Antibacterial and biochemical activity of pseudoguaianolide sesquiterpenes isolated from Ambrosia maritima against plant pathogenic bacteria

Plant Protection Science (2012) 48, 131-141
M.E.I. Badawy and A.F. El-Aswad (2012)
Insecticidal activity of chitosans of different molecular weights and chitosan-metal complexes against cotton leafworm Spodoptera littoralis and oleander aphid Aphis nerii

Plant Protection Science (2012) 48, 170-178
M.S. Khalil and M.E.I. Badawy (2012)
Nematicidal activity of a biopolymer chitosan at different molecular weights against root-knot nematode, Meloidogyne incognita

Archives of Phytopathology and Plant Protection (2012) 45, 1939-1949
Entsar I. Rabea and Mohamed E.I. Badawy (2012)
Inhibitory effects on microbial growth of Botrytis cinerea and Erwinia carotovora on potato using of a biopolymer chitosan at different molecular weights

Experimental and Applied Acarology (2010) 52, 261-274
Mohamed E.I. Badawy, Sailan A.A. El-Arami and Samir A.M. Abdelgaleil (2010)
Acaricidal and quantitative structure activity relationship of monoterpenes against the two-spotted spider mite, Tetranychus urticae

Journal of Chemical Ecology (2009) 35, 518-525
Samir A.M. Abdelgaleil, Magdy I.E. Mohamed, Mohamed E.I. Badawy and Sailan A.A. El-Arami (2009)
Fumigant and contact toxicities of monoterpenes to Sitophilus oryzae (L.) and Tribolium castaneum (Herbst) and their inhibitory effects on acetylcholinesterase activity

Pest Management Science (2006) 62, 890-897
Entsar I. Rabea, Mohamed E.I. Badawy, Tina M. Rogge, Christian V. Stevens, Walter Steurbaut, Monica Höfte and Guy Smagghe (2006)
Enhancement of fungicidal and insecticidal activity by reductive alkylation of chitosan

Pest Management Science (2005) 61, 951-960
Entsar I. Rabea, Mohamed E.I. Badawy, Tina M. Rogge, Christian V. Stevens, Monica Höfte, Walter Steurbaut and Guy Smagghe (2005)
Insecticidal and fungicidal activity of new synthesized chitosan derivatives