Marta Montserrat

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Publications of Marta Montserrat (15 listed):

Entomologia Generalis (2022) 42, 217-229
Joaquín Cruz-Miralles, Marc Cabedo-López, Michela Guzzo, Sandra Vacas, Vicente Navarro-Llopis, M. Victoria Ibáñez-Gual, Víctor Flors, Marta Montserrat and Josep A. Jaques (2022)
Host plant scent mediates patterns of attraction/repellence among predatory mites

Insects (2020) 11 (3 - 166)
Rocco Amorós-Jiménez, María Plaza, Marta Montserrat, M. Angeles Marcos-García and Alberto Fereres (2020)
Effect of UV-absorbing nets on the performance of the aphid predator Sphaerophoria rueppellii (Diptera: Syrphidae)

Journal of Pest Science (2019) 92, 1149-1164
Pablo Urbaneja-Bernat, Victoria Ibáñez-Gual, Marta Montserrat, Ernestina Aguilar-Fenollosa and Josep A. Jaques (2019)
Can interactions among predators alter the natural regulation of an herbivore in a climate change scenario? The case of Tetranychus urticae and its predators in citrus

BioControl (2018) 63, 585-594
Celeste Guzmán, Rosa María Sahún and Marta Montserrat (2018)
Differential effects of abiotic conditions on fitness-related parameters of two Euseius species inhabiting avocado agro-ecosystems

Experimental and Applied Acarology (2017) 72, 103-114
Morgana Maria Fonseca, Marta Montserrat, Celeste Guzmán, Inmaculada Torres-Campos, Angelo Pallini and Arne Janssen (2017)
How to evaluate the potential occurrence of intraguild predation

Experimental and Applied Acarology (2016) 68, 441-453
C. Guzmán, R.M. Sahún and M. Montserrat (2016)
Intraguild predation between phytoseiid mite species might not be so common

Experimental and Applied Acarology (2013) 59, 27-42
Marta Montserrat, Rosa María Sahún and Celeste Guzmán (2013)
Can climate change jeopardize predator control of invasive herbivore species? A case study in avocado agro-ecosystems in Spain

Oikos (2012) 121, 67-76
M. Montserrat, S. Magalhães, M.W. Sabelis, A.M. de Roos and A. Janssen (2012)
Invasion success in communities with reciprocal intraguild predation depends on the stage structure of the resident population

Oecologia (2012) 169, 95-104
Tessa van der Hammen, Marta Montserrat, Maurice W. Sabelis, André M. de Roos and Arne Janssen (2012)
Whether ideal free or not, predatory mites distribute so as to maximize reproduction

Bulletin of Entomological Research (2009) 99, 433-444
J.J. González-Fernández, F. de la Peña, J.I. Hormaza, J.R. Boyero, J.M. Vela, E. Wong, M.M. Trigo and M. Montserrat (2009)
Alternative food improves the combined effect of an omnivore and a predator on biological pest control. A case study in avocado orchards

Experimental and Applied Acarology (2009) 47, 35-47
Juan Manuel Alba, Marta Montserrat and Rafael Fernández-Muñoz (2009)
Resistance to the two-spotted spider mite (Tetranychus urticae) by acylsucroses of wild tomato (Solanum pimpinellifolium) trichomes studied in a recombinant inbred line population

Experimental and Applied Acarology (2008) 44, 101-106
M. Montserrat, F. de la Peña, J.I. Hormaza and J.J. González-Fernández (2008)
How do Neoseiulus californicus (Acari: Phytoseiidae) females penetrate densely webbed spider mite nests?

Oecologia (2007) 150, 557-568
Sara Magalhães, Paul C.J. van Rijn, Marta Montserrat, Angelo Pallini and Maurice W. Sabelis (2007)
Population dynamics of thrips prey and their mite predators in a refuge

Ecological Entomology (2006) 31, 430-436
Marta Montserrat, Arne Janssen, Sara Magalhães and Maurice W. Sabelis (2006)
To be an intra-guild predator or a cannibal: is prey quality decisive?

Environmental Entomology (2000) 29, 1075-1082
Marta Montserrat, Ramon Albajes and Cristina Castañé (2000)
Functional response of four heteropteran predators preying on greenhouse whitefly (Homoptera: Aleyrodidae) and western flower thrips (Thysanoptera: Thripidae)