Lise Nistrup Jorgensen

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Publications of Lise Nistrup Jorgensen (6 listed):

Phytopathology (2011) 101, 960-969
L.K. Nielsen, J.D. Jensen, G.C. Nielsen, J.E. Jensen, N.H. Spliid, I.K. Thomsen, A.F. Justesen, D.B. Collinge and L.N. Jørgensen (2011)
Fusarium head blight of cereals in Denmark: Species complex and related mycotoxins

Plant Pathology (2010) 59, 753-763
P.M. Berry, D.R. Kindred, J.E. Olesen, L.N. Jorgensen and N.D. Paveley (2010)
Quantifying the effect of interactions between disease control, nitrogen supply and land use change on the greenhouse gas emissions associated with wheat production

European Journal of Plant Pathology (2009) 123, 435-447
Karin Thygesen, Lise Nistrup Jørgensen, Kim Skov Jensen and Lisa Munk (2009)
Spatial and temporal impact of fungicide spray strategies on fungicide sensitivity of Mycosphaerella graminicola in winter wheat

Journal of Agricultural Science (2003) 140, 15-29
J.E. Olesen, L.N. Jørgensen, J. Petersen and J.V. Mortensen (2003)
Effects of rates and timing of nitrogen fertilizer on disease control by fungicides in winter wheat. 2. Crop growth and disease development

Journal of Agricultural Science (2003) 140, 1-13
J.E. Olesen, L.N. Jørgensen, J. Petersen and J.V. Mortensen (2003)
Effects of rate and timing of nitrogen fertilizer on disease control by fungicides in winter wheat. 1. Grain yield and foliar disease control

International Congress of Plant Pathology (1998) Jorgensen - Use attributes of strobilurin ...
Lise Nistrup Jorgensen (1998)
Use attributes of strobilurin analogs for disease control
Edinburgh, U.K. (9 - 16 Aug. 1998), Paper presented in section: Uses and challenges with novel fungicides for plant disease control