Journal of Plant Pathology (2004) 86, p. 328a (Parrella et al.)

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G. Parrella, P. Gognalons and G. Marchoux (2004)
Identification of a strain of Tobacco mild green mosaic virus from trailing petunia
Journal of Plant Pathology 86 (4), 328-328
XI Meeting, Italian Society for Plant Pathology, Milan, 29/9 - 1/10, 2004 (poster)
Abstract: During 2003, unusual viral symptoms were observed on SurfiniaTM trailing petunias in protected cultivations of southern France (Perpignan). Symptoms included yellow mosaic and distortion of the leaves, accompanied sometimes by vein necrosis. The flowers were deformed and showed light colour break of the petals. Electron microscope observations of sap extracts from symptomatic leaves and flowers showed the presence of tobamovirus-like particles. Sap extracts were consequently tested in double-immunodiffusion tests with antisera to Tobacco mosaic virus (TMV), Tomato mosaic virus (ToMV), Pepper mild mottle virus (PMMoV) and Tobacco mild green mosaic virus (TMGMV). Precipitin bands were obtained with ToMV and TMGMV antisera. However, host range responses suggested that ToMV was not involved in the disease, mainly because a susceptible tomato line was not infected. Molecular assays by RT PCR using a primer pair specific for TMGMV coat protein (CP) and by dot-blot hybridisation with a virus-specific riboprobe, confirmed that infection observed in trailing petunias was caused by a strain of TMGMV (denoted TMGMV-Pt). Sequence analysis of the CP of TMGMV-Pt showed an identity of 97-98% with CPs of other TMGMV isolates. Mechanical inoculation of 12 trailing petunias varieties showed that eight could be systemically infected by TMGMV-Pt, three reacted only with localized infections, and only one remained symptomless. This highlights the potential risk represented by TMGMV to most trailing petunias cultivars. To our knowledge this is the first report of a natural infection by TMGMV in trailing petunia.
Database assignments for author(s): Giuseppe Parrella

Research topic(s) for pests/diseases/weeds:
general biology - morphology - evolution
molecular biology - genes

Pest and/or beneficial records:

Beneficial Pest/Disease/Weed Crop/Product Country Quarant.

Tobacco mild green mosaic virus Petunia (crop) France