José A. Hódar
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Publications of José A. Hódar (8 listed):
Ecological Entomology (2023) 48, 102-111
Andrea Battisti, José A. Hódar, Rodolfo Hernández and Stig Larsson (2023)
Aggregative oviposition varies with density in processionary moths—Implications for insect outbreak propensity
Entomologia Generalis (2019) 39, 295-306
Enric Frago, H.-L. Wang, G.P. Svensson, J.F. Marques, J.A. Hódar, G.H. Boettner, C. Ciornei, L. Dormont, J.S. Elkinton, M. Franzén, A. Khrimian, L. Marianelli, L. Marziali, H. Mas, E. Perez Laorga, J. Pérez-López, A. Roques, V. Simonca and O. Anderbrant (2019)
Common pheromone use among host-associated populations of the browntail moth, Euproctis chrysorrhoea, displaying different adult phenologies
Journal of Chemical Ecology (2019) 45, 95-105
Alba Lázaro-González, José A. Hódar and Regino Zamora (2019)
Mistletoe versus host pine: Does increased parasite load alter the host chemical profile?
European Journal of Entomology (2017) 114, 215-221
Alba Lázaro-González, José A. Hódar and Regino Zamora (2017)
Do the arthropod communities on a parasitic plant and its hosts differ?
Agricultural and Forest Entomology (2017) 19, 130-138
Lucía Torres-Muros, José A. Hódar and Regino Zamora (2017)
Effect of habitat type and soil moisture on pupal stage of a Mediterranean forest pest (Thaumetopoea pityocampa)
European Journal of Entomology (2016) 113, 200-206
José A. Hódar, Anna Cassel-Lundhagen, Andrea Battisti and Stig Larsson (2016)
A little further south: Host range and genetics of the Northern pine processionary moth, Thaumetopoea pinivora (Lepidoptera: Notodontidae) at the southern edge of its distribution
Agricultural and Forest Entomology (2013) 15, 204-211
José A. Hódar, Lucía Torres-Muros and Karim Senhadji (2013)
Timing and intensity of bush cricket predation on egg batches of pine processionary moth: no evidence of population control
Ecological Entomology (2002) 27, 292-301
José A. Hódar, Regino Zamora and Jorge Castro (2002)
Host utilisation by moth and larval survival of pine processionary caterpillar Thaumetopoea pityocampa in relation to food quality in three Pinus species