Gábor Szöcs

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Publications of Gábor Szöcs (20 listed):

Phytoparasitica (2017) 45, 201-210
Gábor Bozsik and Gábor Szocs (2017)
Phenology, behavior and infestation levels of the invasive small cypress bark beetle, Phloeosinus aubei, on some cultivars of Thuja and Juniper spp., in Hungary

Journal of Applied Entomology (2016) 140, 434-443
G. Bozsik, A. Tröger, W. Francke and G. Szocs (2016)
Thuja occidentalis: identification of volatiles and electroantennographic response by the invasive cedar bark beetle, Phloeosinus aubei

Journal of Chemical Ecology (2013) 39, 790-796
Hong-Lei Wang, Cheng-Hua Zhao, Gabor Szöcs, Satya Prabhakar Chinta, Stefan Schulz and Christer Löfstedt (2013)
Biosynthesis and PBAN-regulated transport of pheromone polyenes in the winter moth, Operophtera brumata

Journal für Kulturpflanzen - Journal of Cultivated Plants (2012) 64, 163-167
Jörn Lehmhus, Ghita Cordsen-Nielsen, Cecilia Söderlind, Gábor Szocs, Jean-Marc Lassance, József Fodor and András Künstler (2012)
First records of the Z-Race of European corn borer Ostrinia nubilalis (Hübner 1796) from Scandinavia

Journal of Chemical Ecology (2012) 38, 1298-1305
Béla Péter Molnár, Armin Tröger, Theodora B. Toshova, Mitko Subchev, Erik J. van Nieukerken, J.C. (Sjaak) Koster, Gábor Szocs, Miklós Tóth and Wittko Francke (2012)
Identification of the female-produced sex pheromone of Tischeria ekebladella, an oak leafmining moth

Acta Phytopathologica et Entomologica Hungarica (2009) 44, 315-326
I. Dömötör, J. Kiss and G. Szocs (2009)
Coincidence of silking time of corn, Zea mays and flight period of cotton bollworm, Helicoverpa armigera Hbn.: How does it affect follow-up abundancy of larvae on cobs and grain damage in various corn hybrids?

Journal of Chemical Ecology (2009) 35, 706-714
Béla Molnár, Zsolt Kárpáti, Gábor Szöcs and David R. Hall (2009)
Identification of female-produced sex pheromone of the honey locust gall midge, Dasineura gleditchiae

Journal of Applied Entomology (2009) 133, 272-277
L. Király and G. Szöcs (2009)
Diagnostic marker for E- and Z-strains of Ostrinia nubilalis, expressing differentially in larval Delta11 desaturase transcript

Acta Phytopathologica et Entomologica Hungarica (2007) 42, 331-341
Z. Kárpáti, B. Molnár and G. Szocs (2007)
Pheromone titer and mating frequency of E-and Z-strains of the European corn borer, Ostrinia nubilalis : Fluctuation during scotophase and age dependence

Journal of Pest Science (2007) 80, 183-189
I. Dömötör, J. Kiss and G. Szöcs (2007)
First results on synchrony between seasonal pattern of pheromone trap captures of cotton bollworm, Helicoverpa armigera and appearance of freshly emerged larvae on developing cobs of corn hybrids

The Canadian Entomologist (2006) 138, 263-268
Gábor Szöcs, Imre S. Otvos, Andrea J. Schiller, Jan Bergmann and Wittko Francke (2006)
Cameraria gaultheriella and C. lobatiella attracted in Canada to (E,Z)-8,10-tetradecadienal, the sex pheromone of the European C. ohridella

Environmental Entomology (2006) 35, 1238-1243
Marie Bengtsson, Zsolt Karpati, Gabor Szöcs, Haim Reuveny, Zhihua Yang and Peter Witzgall (2006)
Flight tunnel responses of Z strain European corn borer females to corn and hemp plants

Chemoecology (2005) 15, 127-128
Gábor Szöcs, Miklós Tóth and Kenji Mori (2005)
Absolute configuration of the major sex pheromone component of the satin moth, Leucoma salicis, verified by field trapping test in Hungary

Chemoecology (2004) 14, 53-58
Gábor Szocs, Miklós Tóth, Zsolt Kárpáti, Junwei Zhu, Christer Löfstedt, Ernst Plass and Wittko Francke (2004)
Identification of polyenic hydrocarbons from the northern winter moth, Operophtera fagata, and development of a species specific lure for pheromone traps

Acta Phytopathologica et Entomologica Hungarica (2002) 37, 375-384
M. Tóth, V. Répási and G. Szocs (2002)
Chemical attractants for females of pest pyralids and phycitids (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae, Phycitidae)

The Canadian Entomologist (2001) 133, 297-299
G. Szöcs, I.S. Ötvös and C. Sanders (2001)
Erannis tiliaria (Lepidoptera: Geometridae) males attracted to enantiomerically identical pheromone blend of Erannis defoliaria

Acta Phytopathologica et Entomologica Hungarica (2000) 34, 327-331
H. Koutinkova, R. Andreev, M. Tóth, G. Szocs and M. Subchev (2000)
Monitoring of the leafminer Leucoptera scitella Zell (Lepidoptera: Lyonetidae) by pheromone traps in Bulgaria

The Canadian Entomologist (1998) 130, 231-234
C. Szocs, D. Henderson and J.N. Mcneil (1998)
Old world pheromone strain in the new world: Sex attractant composition for the currant borer, Synanthedon tipuliformis Cl. (Lepidoptera: Sesiidae), in Canada

Journal of Applied Entomology - Zeitschrift für angewandte Entomologie (1996) 120, 615-617
M. Subchev, M. Toth, G. Szocs, G. Stan and A. Botar (1996)
Evidence for geographic differences in pheromonal responses of male Amathes c-nigrum L. (Lep., Noctuidae)

Journal of Chemical Ecology (1995) 21, 13-27
Miklós Tóth, Gábor Szöcs, Erik J. van Nieukerken, Peter Philipp, Frank Schmidt and Wittko Francke (1995)
Novel type of sex pheromone structure identified from Stigmella malella (Stainton) (Lepidoptera: Nepticulidae)