Various species of the family Eurytomidae are phytophagous and several are considered to be plant pests. However, others live as parasitoids of insects and some are both, e.g. they are parasitic during the early larval stages and later feed on plants. This page deals with plant pests like the alfalfa seed chalcid (Bruchophagus roddi) or the almond seed wasp (Eurytoma amygdali). For plant feeding species specialised on weeds see the page on Eurytomidae (weed bioagents).
The family contains more than 1,000 species with a typical length of 3-5 mm and an elongated body. The colour of the adults is dark or black (not metallic) and the surface is strongly sculptured. The antennae have less than 13 segments.
The following genera containing pest species are currently entered under this family: