Bibliography:Plurivorosphaerella nawae
Publication list for Plurivorosphaerella nawae sorted according to research topics
general biology - morphology - evolution (2)
Journal of Plant Pathology (2018) 100, 543-553
Oliul Hassan, Jun Sung Shin, Nam Kwon Oh and Taehyun Chang (2018)
Inoculum dynamics and disease progress of circular leaf spot of persimmon caused by Mycosphaerella nawae in inland Korea
Plant Disease (2010) 94, p. 374 (Berbegal et al.)
M. Berbegal, A. Pérez-Sierra, J. Armengol, C.S. Park and J. García-Jiménez (2010)
First report of circular leaf spot of persimmon caused by Mycosphaerella nawae in Spain
identification/taxonomy (1)
Plant Disease (2019) 103, 200-213
Oliul Hassan and Taehyun Chang (2019)
Phylogenetic and morphological reassessment of Mycosphaerella nawae, the causal agent of circular leaf spot in persimmon
control - general (1)
Annals of Applied Biology (2017) 170, 391-404
D.D.M. Bassimba, J.L. Mira, M.E. Sedano and A. Vicent (2017)
Control and yield loss modelling of circular leaf spot of persimmon caused by Mycosphaerella nawae
resistance/tolerance/defence of host (2)
PLoS ONE (2020) 15 (3 - e0230286)
Oliul Hassan, Taehyun Chang and Abul Hossain (2020)
Changes in the secondary compounds of persimmon leaves as a defense against circular leaf spot caused by Plurivorosphaerella nawae
European Journal of Plant Pathology (2013) 137, 273-281
M. Berbegal, B. Mora-Sala and J. García-Jiménez (2013)
A nested-polymerase chain reaction protocol for the detection of Mycosphaerella nawae in persimmon
damage/losses/economics (1)
Annals of Applied Biology (2017) 170, 391-404
D.D.M. Bassimba, J.L. Mira, M.E. Sedano and A. Vicent (2017)
Control and yield loss modelling of circular leaf spot of persimmon caused by Mycosphaerella nawae
environment - cropping system/rotation (2)
Phytopathology (2011) 101, 1346-1354
D. Makowski, R. Bancal and A. Vicent (2011)
Estimation of leaf wetness duration requirements of foliar fungal pathogens with uncertain data - An application to Mycosphaerella nawae
Plant Pathology (2011) 60, 890-898
A. Vicent, D.D.M. Bassimba and D.S. Intrigliolo (2011)
Effects of temperature, water regime and irrigation system on the release of ascospores of Mycosphaerella nawae, causal agent of circular leaf spot of persimmon
population dynamics/ epidemiology (4)
Phytopathology (2021) 111, 1184-1192
Joaquín Martínez-Minaya, David Conesa, Antonio López-Quílez, José Luís Mira and Antonio Vicent (2021)
Modeling inoculum availability of Plurivorosphaerella nawae in persimmon leaf litter with Bayesian beta regression
European Journal of Plant Pathology (2012) 134, 289-299
Antonio Vicent, Daniel D.M. Bassimba, Concha Hinarejos and Jose L. Mira (2012)
Inoculum and disease dynamics of circular leaf spot of persimmon caused by Mycosphaerella nawae under semi-arid conditions
Phytopathology (2011) 101, 1346-1354
D. Makowski, R. Bancal and A. Vicent (2011)
Estimation of leaf wetness duration requirements of foliar fungal pathogens with uncertain data - An application to Mycosphaerella nawae
Plant Pathology (2011) 60, 890-898
A. Vicent, D.D.M. Bassimba and D.S. Intrigliolo (2011)
Effects of temperature, water regime and irrigation system on the release of ascospores of Mycosphaerella nawae, causal agent of circular leaf spot of persimmon