Bibliography:Pepper yellow mosaic virus
Publication list for Pepper yellow mosaic virus sorted according to research topics
general biology - morphology - evolution (2)
European Journal of Plant Pathology (2011) 131, 549-552
Monika Fecury Moura, Tatiana Mituti, Julio M. Marubayashi, Ricardo Gioria, Romulo F. Kobori, Marcelo A. Pavan, Norberto da Silva and Renate Krause-Sakate (2011)
A classification of Pepper yellow mosaic virus isolates into pathotypes
Fitopatologia Brasileira (2004) 29, 663-667
Luis C.V. da Cunha, Renato de O. Resende, Tatsuya Nagata and Alice K. Inoue-Nagata (2004)
Distinct features of Pepper yellow mosaic virus isolates from tomato and sweetpepper
identification/taxonomy (2)
Journal of General Virology (2003) 84, 2565-2578
C. Spetz, A.M. Taboada, S. Darwich, J. Ramsell, L.F. Salazar and J.P.T. Valkonen (2003)
Molecular resolution of a complex of potyviruses infecting solanaceous crops at the centre of origin in Peru
Archives of Virology (2002) 147, 849-855
A.K. Inoue-Nagata, M.E.N. Fonseca, R.O. Resende, L.S. Boiteux, D.C. Monte, A.N. Dusi, A.C. de Ávila and R.A.A. van der Vlugt (2002)
Pepper yellow mosaic virus, a new potyvirus in sweetpepper, Capsicum annuum
resistance/tolerance/defence of host (10)
Plant Breeding (2020) 139, 65-72
Jéssica Figueiredo Rezende, Monik Evelin Leite, Douglas Willian Nogueira, Danilo Gustavo Nogueira, Alex Antonio da Silva and Wilson Roberto Maluf (2020)
A new resistance gene to PepYMV (Pepper yellow mosaic virus) in Capsicum annuum L.
European Journal of Plant Pathology (2018) 150, 691-699
Renata M. Oliveira, Érico C. Dianese, Mirtes F. Lima, Renato O. Resende, Alice K. Inoue-Nagata and Leonardo S. Boiteux (2018)
Sources of resistance to Potato virus Y and Pepper yellow mosaic virus in Solanum (section Lycopersicon) germplasm
Horticultura Brasileira (2017) 35, 48-56
Regis C. Carvalho, Douglas W. Nogueira, César A. Ticona-Benavente, Danilo G. Nogueira, Wilson R. Maluf, Ranoel J.S. Gonçalves and Luis F.L. Silva (2017)
Assessment of resistances to multiple pathogens in experimental sweet pepper hybrids
Pesquisa Agropecuária Brasileira (2012) 47, 955-963
Douglas Willian Nogueira, Danilo Gustavo Nogueira, Wilson Roberto Maluf, Gabriel Mascarenhas Maciel, Antônia dos Reis Figueira and Cícero Beserra de Menezes (2012)
Seleção assistida com uso de marcador molecular para resistência a potyvírus em pimentão
[Marker-assisted selection for resistance to potyvirus in sweet pepper]
PLoS ONE (2011) 6 (12 - e29595)
Marianne Mazier, Fabrice Flamain, Maryse Nicolaï, Verane Sarnette and Carole Caranta (2011)
Knock-down of both eIF4E1 and eIF4E2 genes confers broad-spectrum resistance against potyviruses in tomato
Plant Pathology (2009) 58, 443-449
B. Janzac, M.-F. Fabre, A. Palloix and B. Moury (2009)
Phenotype and spectrum of action of the Pvr4 resistance in pepper against potyviruses, and selection for virulent variants
Horticultura Brasileira (2009) 27, 196-201
Cíntia dos S. Bento, Rosana Rodrigues, Francisco Murilo Zerbini Júnior and Cláudia P. Sudré (2009)
Sources of resistance against the Pepper yellow mosaic virus in chili pepper
Scientia Agricola (2009) 66, 267-269
Ricardo Gioria, Renato de Souza Braga, Renate Krause-Sakate, Caroline Roullier, Daniel Dias Rosa, Monika Fecury Moura, José Alberto Caram de Souza-Dias, Haiko Enok Sawazaki, Luis Eduardo Aranha Camargo and Jorge Alberto Marques Rezende (2009)
Breakdown of resistance in sweet pepper against Pepper yellow mosaic virus in Brazil
Pesquisa Agropecuária Brasileira (2008) 43, 713-720
Ana Cristina Pinto Juhász, Derly José Henriques da Silva, Francisco Murilo Zerbini Júnior, Pedro Crescêncio Souza Carneiro, Bruno Oliveira Soares and Cosme Damião Cruz (2008)
Base genética da resistência de um acesso de tomate silvestre ao mosaico-amarelo do pimentão
[Resistance genetic basis of a wild tomato access to pepper yellow mosaic virus]
Scientia Agricola (2006) 63, 510-512
Ana Cristina Pinto Juhász, Derly José Henriques da Silva, Francisco Murilo Zerbini Júnior, Bruno Oliveira Soares and George Alberto Hial Aguilera (2006)
Screening of Lycopersicon sp. accessions for resistance to Pepper yellow mosaic virus
population dynamics/ epidemiology (1)
Tropical Plant Pathology (2008) 33, 67-68
Érico C. Dianese, Renato O. Resende and Alice K. Inoue-Nagata (2008)
Alta incidência de Pepper yellow mosaic virus em tomateiro em região produtora no Distrito Federal
[High incidence of Pepper yellow mosaic virus in tomatoes in productive areas of Brazils Federal Distric]
surveys/sampling/distribution (4)
Australasian Plant Disease Notes (2021) 16 (27) - Three species of Potyvirus
Ligia M.L. Duarte, M. Amelia V. Alexandre, Ricardo Harakava, Leilane K. Rodrigues, Alyne A. Ramos and Elliot W. Kitajima (2021)
Three species of Potyvirus genus recorded in ornamental plants, in Brazil
Tropical Plant Pathology (2008) 33, 67-68
Érico C. Dianese, Renato O. Resende and Alice K. Inoue-Nagata (2008)
Alta incidência de Pepper yellow mosaic virus em tomateiro em região produtora no Distrito Federal
[High incidence of Pepper yellow mosaic virus in tomatoes in productive areas of Brazils Federal Distric]
Fitopatologia Brasileira (2004) 29, 160-168
Adriana A.C. Truta, Ana R.R. e Souza, Ana V.S. do Nascimento, Rita de Cássia Pereira, Cleide M.F. Pinto, Sérgio H. Brommonschenkel, Murilo G. de Carvalho and F. Murilo Zerbini (2004)
Identidade e propriedades de isolados de potyvírus provenientes de Capsicum spp.
[Identity and properties of potyvirus isolates obtained from Capsicum spp.]
Horticultura Brasileira (2004) 22, 655-658
Antonio C. de Ávila, Alice K. Inoue-Nagata, Hélcio Costa, Leonardo S. Boiteux, Luiz O. de Q. Neves, Ricardo S. Prates and Leopoldo A. Bertini (2004)
Ocorrência de viroses em tomate e pimentão na região serrana do estado do Espírito Santo
[Occurrence of viruses in tomato and sweetpepper in the highland region of the State of Espírito Santo, Brazil]
molecular biology - genes (7)
Molecular Plant Pathology (2017) 18, 672-683
Fernanda Prieto Bruckner, André Da Silva Xavier, Renan De Souza Cascardo, Wagner Campos Otoni, Francisco Murilo Zerbini and Poliane Alfenas-Zerbini (2017)
Translationally controlled tumour protein (TCTP) from tomato and Nicotiana benthamiana is necessary for successful infection by a potyvirus
Archives of Virology (2012) 157, 1397-1401
N. Lucinda, W.B. da Rocha, A.K. Inoue-Nagata and T. Nagata (2012)
Complete genome sequence of Pepper yellow mosaic virus, a potyvirus, occurring in Brazil
European Journal of Plant Pathology (2011) 131, 549-552
Monika Fecury Moura, Tatiana Mituti, Julio M. Marubayashi, Ricardo Gioria, Romulo F. Kobori, Marcelo A. Pavan, Norberto da Silva and Renate Krause-Sakate (2011)
A classification of Pepper yellow mosaic virus isolates into pathotypes
Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions (2009) 22, 352-361
Poliane Alfenas-Zerbini, Ivan G. Maia, Regiane D. Fávaro, Julio C.M. Cascardo, Sérgio H. Brommonschenkel and Francisco Murilo Zerbini (2009)
Genome-wide analysis of differentially expressed genes during the early stages of tomato infection by a Potyvirus
Fitopatologia Brasileira (2004) 29, 663-667
Luis C.V. da Cunha, Renato de O. Resende, Tatsuya Nagata and Alice K. Inoue-Nagata (2004)
Distinct features of Pepper yellow mosaic virus isolates from tomato and sweetpepper
Journal of General Virology (2003) 84, 2565-2578
C. Spetz, A.M. Taboada, S. Darwich, J. Ramsell, L.F. Salazar and J.P.T. Valkonen (2003)
Molecular resolution of a complex of potyviruses infecting solanaceous crops at the centre of origin in Peru
Archives of Virology (2002) 147, 849-855
A.K. Inoue-Nagata, M.E.N. Fonseca, R.O. Resende, L.S. Boiteux, D.C. Monte, A.N. Dusi, A.C. de Ávila and R.A.A. van der Vlugt (2002)
Pepper yellow mosaic virus, a new potyvirus in sweetpepper, Capsicum annuum