Bibliography:Geranium dissectum (weed)
Publication list for Geranium dissectum (weed) sorted according to research topics
general biology - morphology - evolution (4)
Phytoparasitica (2021) 49, 143-152
Zahra Mahmoodi Atabaki, Javid Gherekhloo, Farshid Ghaderi-Far, Omid Ansari and Saeid Hassanpour-bourkheili (2021)
Investigating the effects of temperature on seed germination of cutleaf geranium (Geranium dissectum L.) and determination of its cardinal temperatures
Ecology and Evolution (2021) 11, 13166-13174
Elena Kazakou, Guillaume Fried, Pierre-Olivier Cheptou and Olivier Gimenez (2021)
Does seed mass drive interspecies variation in the effect of management practices on weed demography?
Weed Research (2013) 53, 76-87
J.-P. Guillemin, A. Gardarin, S. Granger, C. Reibel, N. Munier-Jolain and N. Colbach (2013)
Assessing potential germination period of weeds with base temperatures and base water potentials
Weed Science (2001) 49, 528-535
Stefano Benvenuti, Mario Macchia and Sergio Miele (2001)
Quantitative analysis of emergence of seedlings from buried weed seeds with increasing soil depth
thresholds/decision-support systems (1)
Weed Research (2006) 46, 22-33
S. Primot, M. Valantin-Morison and D. Makowski (2006)
Predicting the risk of weed infestation in winter oilseed rape crops
environment - cropping system/rotation (7)
Ecology and Evolution (2022) 12 (4 - e8773)
Justin C. Luong and Michael E. Loik (2022)
Adjustments in physiological and morphological traits suggest drought-induced competitive release of some California plants
Phytoparasitica (2021) 49, 143-152
Zahra Mahmoodi Atabaki, Javid Gherekhloo, Farshid Ghaderi-Far, Omid Ansari and Saeid Hassanpour-bourkheili (2021)
Investigating the effects of temperature on seed germination of cutleaf geranium (Geranium dissectum L.) and determination of its cardinal temperatures
Weed Research (2013) 53, 76-87
J.-P. Guillemin, A. Gardarin, S. Granger, C. Reibel, N. Munier-Jolain and N. Colbach (2013)
Assessing potential germination period of weeds with base temperatures and base water potentials
Biological Invasions (2010) 12, 4003-4018
Sylvia Haider, Jake Alexander, Hansjörg Dietz, Ludwig Trepl, Peter J. Edwards and Christoph Kueffer (2010)
The role of bioclimatic origin, residence time and habitat context in shaping non-native plant distributions along an altitudinal gradient
Annals of the Entomological Society of America (2004) 97, 1252-1262
Antonio Masetti, Alberto Lanzoni, Giovanni Burgio and Luciano Süss (2004)
Faunistic study of the Agromyzidae (Diptera) on weeds of marginal areas in northern Italy agroecosystems
Weed Science (2001) 49, 528-535
Stefano Benvenuti, Mario Macchia and Sergio Miele (2001)
Quantitative analysis of emergence of seedlings from buried weed seeds with increasing soil depth
Annals of Applied Biology (2000) 136, 47-57
G.R. Squire, S. Rodger and G. Wright (2000)
Community-scale seedbank response to less intense rotation and reduced herbicide input at three sites
population dynamics/ epidemiology (2)
Weed Research (2015) 55, 514-524
G. Fried, B. Chauvel and X. Reboud (2015)
Weed flora shifts and specialisation in winter oilseed rape in France
Weed Research (2006) 46, 22-33
S. Primot, M. Valantin-Morison and D. Makowski (2006)
Predicting the risk of weed infestation in winter oilseed rape crops
surveys/sampling/distribution (1)
Weed Research (2015) 55, 514-524
G. Fried, B. Chauvel and X. Reboud (2015)
Weed flora shifts and specialisation in winter oilseed rape in France