Bibliography:Entomophthora muscae (entomopathogen)

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Publication list for Entomophthora muscae (entomopathogen) sorted according to research topics

general biology - morphology - evolution (5)

Journal of Pest Science (2018) 91, 781-787
Paul G. Becher, Rasmus E. Jensen, Myrsini E. Natsopoulou, Vasiliki Verschut and Henrik H. De Fine Licht (2018)
Infection of Drosophila suzukii with the obligate insect-pathogenic fungus Entomophthora muscae

Journal of Applied Entomology (2017) 141, 583-586
A.N. Hansen and H.H. De Fine Licht (2017)
Logistic growth of the host-specific obligate insect pathogenic fungus Entomophthora muscae in house flies (Musca domestica)

Phytoparasitica (2003) 31, 204-206
Aviva Uziel, Karmit Levy and Boaz Yuval (2003)
Infection of Ceratitis capitata by two species of the Entomophthora muscae species complex (Zygomycetes: Entomophthorales) in the field

Mycologia (2002) 94, 794-802
Lene Thomsen and Annette Bruun Jensen (2002)
Application of nested-PCR technique to resting spores from the Entomophthora muscae species complex: implications for analyses of host-pathogen population interactions

Canadian Journal of Botany - Revue Canadienne de Botanique (2001) 79, 1076-1082
Lene Thomsen, José Bresciani and Jørgen Eilenberg (2001)
Formation and germination of resting spores from different strains from the Entomophthora muscae complex produced in Musca domestica

identification/taxonomy (4)

Persoonia (2013) 30, 94-105
A.P. Gryganskyi, R.A. Humber, M.E. Smith, K. Hodge, B. Huang, K. Voigt and R. Vilgalys (2013)
Phylogenetic lineages in Entomophthoromycota

Phytoparasitica (2003) 31, 204-206
Aviva Uziel, Karmit Levy and Boaz Yuval (2003)
Infection of Ceratitis capitata by two species of the Entomophthora muscae species complex (Zygomycetes: Entomophthorales) in the field

Mycologia (2002) 94, 794-802
Lene Thomsen and Annette Bruun Jensen (2002)
Application of nested-PCR technique to resting spores from the Entomophthora muscae species complex: implications for analyses of host-pathogen population interactions

Mycologia (1973) 65, 823-893
D.M. MacLeod and E. Müller-Kögler (1973)
Entomogenous fungi: Entomophthora species with pear-shaped to almost spherical conidia (Entomophthorales: Entomophthoraceae)

evaluation - screening - selection (1)

Environmental Entomology (1993) 22, 1201-1208
C.J. Geden, D.C. Steinhaus and D.A. Rutz (1993)
Evaluation of two methods for release of Entomophtera muscae (Entomophthorales: Entomophoraceae) to infect house flies (Diptera: Muscidae) on diary farms

application technology (1)

Applied Entomology and Zoology (1997) 32, 325-331
Hirohisa Kuramoto and Mitsuaki Shimazu (1997)
Control of house fly populations by Entomophthora muscae (Zygomycotina: Entomophthorales) in a poultry house

environment/habitat manipulation (2)

Environmental Entomology (1986) 15, 1154-1160
R.I. Carruthers and D.L. Haynes (1986)
Temperature, moisture, and habitat effects on Entomophthora muscae (Entomophthorales Entomophthoraceae) conidial germination and survival in the onion agroecosystem

Environmental Entomology (1985) 14, 317-322
Bradley A. Mullens and John L. Rodriguez (1985)
Dynamics of Entomophthora muscae (Entomophthorales: Entomophthoraceae) conidial discharge from Musca domestica (Diptera: Muscidae) cadavers

population dynamics/epizootiology (5)

Canadian Journal of Botany - Revue Canadienne de Botanique (2001) 79, 1076-1082
Lene Thomsen, José Bresciani and Jørgen Eilenberg (2001)
Formation and germination of resting spores from different strains from the Entomophthora muscae complex produced in Musca domestica

BioControl (1998) 43, 87-95
N. Goulart Madeira (1998)
Persistence of conidia of Entomophthora muscae in relation to age, temperature, and humidity

Environmental Entomology (1993) 22, 1201-1208
C.J. Geden, D.C. Steinhaus and D.A. Rutz (1993)
Evaluation of two methods for release of Entomophtera muscae (Entomophthorales: Entomophoraceae) to infect house flies (Diptera: Muscidae) on diary farms

Environmental Entomology (1986) 15, 1154-1160
R.I. Carruthers and D.L. Haynes (1986)
Temperature, moisture, and habitat effects on Entomophthora muscae (Entomophthorales Entomophthoraceae) conidial germination and survival in the onion agroecosystem

Environmental Entomology (1985) 14, 317-322
Bradley A. Mullens and John L. Rodriguez (1985)
Dynamics of Entomophthora muscae (Entomophthorales: Entomophthoraceae) conidial discharge from Musca domestica (Diptera: Muscidae) cadavers

surveys/distribution/isolation (6)

Mitteilungen der Schweizerischen Entomologischen Gesellschaft (2008) 81, 39-51
Siegfried Keller (2008)
The arthropod-pathogenic Entomophthorales from Switzerland - is central Europe the centre of their global species-richness?

Norwegian Journal of Entomology (2002) 49, 23-28
Ingeborg Klingen, Solveig Haukeland Salinas and Richard Meadow (2002)
Checklist of naturally occurring pathogens of insects and mites in Norway

BioControl (2002) 47, 45-60
H. Skovgård and T. Steenberg (2002)
Activity of pupal parasitoids of the stable fly Stomoxys calcitrans and prevalence of entomopathogenic fungi in the stable fly and the house fly Musca domestica in Denmark

Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata (2000) 97, 265-274
I. Klingen, R. Meadow and J. Eilenberg (2000)
Prevalence of fungal infections in adult Delia radicum and Delia floralis captured on the edge of a cabbage field

BioControl (2000) 45, 63-78
Sergio R. Sanchez-Peña (2000)
Entomopathogens from two Chihuahuan desert localities in Mexico

Australian Journal of Botany (1987) 35, 69-77
T.R. Glare and R.J. Milner (1987)
New records of entomophthoran fungi from insects in Australia

molecular biology - genes (1)

Molecular Ecology (2017) 26, 2092-2110
Henrik H. De Fine Licht, Annette B. Jensen and Jørgen Eilenberg (2017)
Comparative transcriptomics reveal host-specific nucleotide variation in entomophthoralean fungi

review (3)

IMA Fungus (2021) 12 (34) - The genus Entomophthora:
Carolyn Elya and Henrik H. De Fine Licht (2021)
The genus Entomophthora: bringing the insect destroyers into the twenty-first century

Biocontrol Science and Technology (2020) 30, 51-67
Dave M. Leathwick, David A. Wright and Mark R.H. Hurst (2020)
Biocontrol of sheep blowfly: is there a role for pathogen-based biopesticides?

Annual Review of Entomology (2006) 51, 331-357
H.E. Roy, D.C. Steinkraus, J. Eilenberg, A.E. Hajek and J.K. Pell (2006)
Bizarre interactions and endgames: Entomopathogenic fungi and their arthropod hosts