Bibliography:Coleophora laricella

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Publication list for Coleophora laricella sorted according to research topics

general biology - morphology - evolution (1)

Journal of Applied Entomology - Zeitschrift für angewandte Entomologie (1995) 119, 581-584
M. Habermann and A. Ott (1995)
Feeding patterns of the larch casebearer Coleophora laricella Hbn. (Lep., Coleophoridae) on European larch

control - general (1)

Environmental Entomology (1982) 11, 730-732
Marion Page, Roger B. Ryan, Nancy Rappaport and Fred Schmidt (1982)
Comparative toxicity of acephate, diflubenzuron, and malathion to larvae of the larch casebearer, Coleophora laricella (Lepidoptera: Coleophoridae) and adults of its parasites, Chrysocharis laricinellae and Dicladocerus nearcticus

biocontrol - natural enemies (3)

Environmental Entomology (2015) 44, 27-33
M. Miller-Pierce, D.C. Shaw, A. Demarco and P.T. Oester (2015)
Introduced and native parasitoid wasps associated with larch casebearer (Lepidoptera: Coleophoridae) in western larch

Environmental Entomology (1990) 19, 1873-1881
Roger B. Ryan (1990)
Evaluation of biological control: Introduced parasites of larch casebearer (Lepidoptera: Coleophoridae) in Oregon

Environmental Entomology (1982) 11, 1242-1247
Azhar Bin Ismail and Garrell E. Long (1982)
Interactions among parasites of the larch casebearer (Lepidoptera: Coleophoridae) in northern Idaho

health/environmental effects of pesticides (1)

Environmental Entomology (1982) 11, 730-732
Marion Page, Roger B. Ryan, Nancy Rappaport and Fred Schmidt (1982)
Comparative toxicity of acephate, diflubenzuron, and malathion to larvae of the larch casebearer, Coleophora laricella (Lepidoptera: Coleophoridae) and adults of its parasites, Chrysocharis laricinellae and Dicladocerus nearcticus

damage/losses/economics (2)

Arthropod-Plant Interactions (2019) 13, 621-633
Samuel F. Ward, Aubree M. Kees, Mitchell P. Maddox, Rebecca A. Montgomery and Brian H. Aukema (2019)
The role of simulated spring water stress in interactions between eastern larch and larch casebearer

Journal of Pest Science (2004) 77, 173-177
Malgorzata Skrzypczynska (2004)
Relationships between the number of dwarf shoots of Larix decidua Mill. damaged by different insect species in the Ojców National Park in southern Poland

environment - cropping system/rotation (6)

Ecological Entomology (2020) 45, 56-66
Samuel F. Ward, Erika L. Eidson, Aubree M. Kees, Robert C. Venette and Brian H. Aukema (2020)
Allopatric populations of the invasive larch casebearer differ in cold tolerance and phenology

Arthropod-Plant Interactions (2019) 13, 621-633
Samuel F. Ward, Aubree M. Kees, Mitchell P. Maddox, Rebecca A. Montgomery and Brian H. Aukema (2019)
The role of simulated spring water stress in interactions between eastern larch and larch casebearer

Oecologia (2019) 190, 867-878
Samuel F. Ward, Roger D. Moon, Daniel A. Herms and Brian H. Aukema (2019)
Determinants and consequences of plant–insect phenological synchrony for a non-native herbivore on a deciduous conifer: implications for invasion success

Agricultural and Forest Entomology (2019) 21, 88-98
Samuel F. Ward, Robert C. Venette and Brian H. Aukema (2019)
Cold tolerance of the invasive larch casebearer and implications for invasion success

Biological Invasions (2019) 21, 685-691
Samuel F. Ward and Brian H. Aukema (2019)
Climatic synchrony and increased outbreaks in allopatric populations of an invasive defoliator

Journal of Applied Entomology - Zeitschrift für angewandte Entomologie (1995) 119, 581-584
M. Habermann and A. Ott (1995)
Feeding patterns of the larch casebearer Coleophora laricella Hbn. (Lep., Coleophoridae) on European larch

population dynamics/ epidemiology (5)

Ecological Entomology (2020) 45, 56-66
Samuel F. Ward, Erika L. Eidson, Aubree M. Kees, Robert C. Venette and Brian H. Aukema (2020)
Allopatric populations of the invasive larch casebearer differ in cold tolerance and phenology

Oecologia (2019) 190, 867-878
Samuel F. Ward, Roger D. Moon, Daniel A. Herms and Brian H. Aukema (2019)
Determinants and consequences of plant–insect phenological synchrony for a non-native herbivore on a deciduous conifer: implications for invasion success

Biological Invasions (2019) 21, 685-691
Samuel F. Ward and Brian H. Aukema (2019)
Climatic synchrony and increased outbreaks in allopatric populations of an invasive defoliator

Ecography (2019) 42, 1068-1078
Samuel F. Ward and Brian H. Aukema (2019)
Anomalous outbreaks of an invasive defoliator and native bark beetle facilitated by warm temperatures, changes in precipitation and interspecific interactions

Environmental Entomology (1990) 19, 1873-1881
Roger B. Ryan (1990)
Evaluation of biological control: Introduced parasites of larch casebearer (Lepidoptera: Coleophoridae) in Oregon

surveys/sampling/distribution (1)

Journal für Kulturpflanzen - Journal of Cultivated Plants (2013) 65, 129-140
Nadine Bräsicke and Martin Hommes (2013)
Die Waldschutzsituation 2012 in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland
[Forest health and forest protection 2012 in the Federal Republic of Germany]

molecular biology - genes (1)

European Journal of Entomology (2018) 115, 718-728
Robert G. Young, T. Fatima Mitterboeck, Tzitziki Loeza-Quintana and Sarah J. Adamowicz (2018)
Rates of molecular evolution and genetic diversity in European vs. North American populations of invasive insect species