Bibliography:Apple mosaic virus
Publication list for Apple mosaic virus sorted according to research topics
- 1 general biology - morphology - evolution (8)
- 2 identification/taxonomy (11)
- 3 control - general (6)
- 4 resistance/tolerance/defence of host (1)
- 5 damage/losses/economics (1)
- 6 environment - cropping system/rotation (2)
- 7 population dynamics/ epidemiology (6)
- 8 surveys/sampling/distribution (45)
- 9 transmission/dispersal of plant diseases (1)
- 10 molecular biology - genes (13)
- 11 review (2)
general biology - morphology - evolution (8)
Virus Genes (2013) 47, 119-125
L. Grimová, L. Winkowska, P. Rysánek, P. Svoboda and K. Petrzik (2013)
Reflects the coat protein variability of Apple mosaic virus host preference?
Plant Disease (2010) 94, p. 641 (Akbas et al.)
B. Akbas and K. Degirmenci (2010)
First report from Turkey of European plum line pattern caused by Apple mosaic virus
Horticultural Science (Prague) (2010) 37, 22-26
J. Svoboda and J. Polák (2010)
Relative concentration of Apple mosaic virus coat protein in different parts of apple tree
Journal of Plant Pathology (2009) 91, p. 237 (Li et al.)
F. Li, J.L. Chen, G.H. Yang, H. Cai, B.H. Kong and H.R. Chen (2009)
First report of Apple mosaic virus infecting rose in Yunnan, China
European Journal of Plant Pathology (2005) 111, 355-360
Karel Petrzik (2005)
Capsid protein sequence gene analysis of Apple mosaic virus infecting pears
Plant Disease (2005) 89, p. 431 (Tzanetakis et al.)
I.E. Tzanetakis and R.R. Martin (2005)
First report of strawberry as a natural host of Apple mosaic virus
Plant Pathology (2003) 52, 655-662
D.R. Crowle, S.J. Pethybridge, G.W. Leggett, L.J. Sherriff and C.R. Wilson (2003)
Diversity of the coat protein-coding region among Ilarvirus isolates infecting hop in Australia
Plant Protection Science (1997) 33, 241-245
Zdenko Polak and Jirina Zieglerová (1997)
Apple mosaic virus in some species of the genus Aesculus
identification/taxonomy (11)
control - general (6)
Journal of Plant Protection Research (2021) 61, 11-19
Ergun Kaya (2021)
Comparison of three different techniques for eradication of Apple mosaic virus (ApMV) from hazelnut (Corylus avellana L.)
American Journal of Plant Sciences (2017) 8, 2474-2482
Analí Lizárraga, Javier Ascasíbar and María Luz González (2017)
Fast and effective thermotherapy treatment for in vitro virus eradication in apple and pear trees
Australasian Plant Pathology (2015) 44, 167-173
G.-J. Hu, Z.-P. Zhang, Y.-F. Dong, X.-D. Fan, F. Ren and H.-J. Zhu (2015)
Efficiency of virus elimination from potted apple plants by thermotherapy coupled with shoot-tip grafting
Plant Disease (2013) 97, 1358-1362
Robert R. Martin and Ioannis E. Tzanetakis (2013)
High risk strawberry viruses by region in the United States and Canada: Implications for certification, nurseries, and fruit production
EPPO Bulletin (2008) 38, 430-437
Anonymous (2008)
Schemes for the production of healthy plants for planting - Schémas pour la production de végétaux sains destinés à la plantatiòn: Certification scheme for strawberry
Journal of Plant Protection Research (1996) 37, 59-66
Mieczyslaw Cajza, Lidia Zielinska and Maria Lubik (1996)
Elimination of viruses from the hop and propagation of virus-free plant material in the west Poland
resistance/tolerance/defence of host (1)
Phytopathologia Mediterranea (2013) 52, 148-153
Manuel Rubio, Ana García-Ibarra, Antonio Soler, Pedro Martínez-Gómez and Federico Dicenta (2013)
Relationship of viruses and viroids with apricot "viruela" disease
damage/losses/economics (1)
Australian Journal of Agricultural Research (2004) 55, 765-770
S.J. Pethybridge, C.R. Wilson and G.W. Leggett (2004)
Incidence and effects of viruses on production of two newly adopted hop (Humulus lupulus) cultivars in Australia
environment - cropping system/rotation (2)
Journal of Plant Pathology (2005) 87, 239-242
M. Arli Sokmen, N.D. Kuduk Yilmaz, H. Mennan and M.A. Sevik (2005)
Natural weed hosts of Apple mosaic virus in hazelnut orchards in Turkey
Plant Pathology (2003) 52, 158-167
S.J. Pethybridge and W.W. Turechek (2003)
Analysis of the association among three viruses infecting hop in Australia
population dynamics/ epidemiology (6)
Journal of Plant Pathology (2009) 91, 767-771
B. Akbas and K. Degirmenci (2009)
Incidence and natural spread of Apple mosaic virus on hazelnut in the west Black Sea coast of Turkey and its effect on yield
Australian Journal of Agricultural Research (2004) 55, 765-770
S.J. Pethybridge, C.R. Wilson and G.W. Leggett (2004)
Incidence and effects of viruses on production of two newly adopted hop (Humulus lupulus) cultivars in Australia
Plant Pathology (2003) 52, 158-167
S.J. Pethybridge and W.W. Turechek (2003)
Analysis of the association among three viruses infecting hop in Australia
Plant Disease (2003) 87, 56-62
Sarah J. Pethybridge and L.V. Madden (2003)
Analysis of spatiotemporal dynamics of virus spread in an Australian hop garden by stochastic modeling
Annals of Applied Biology (2002) 141, 77-85
S.J. Pethybridge, C.R. Wilson, F.S. Hay, G.W. Leggett and L.J. Sherriff (2002)
Mechanical transmission of Apple mosaic virus in Australian hop (Humulus lupulus) gardens
Plant Pathology (2000) 49, 423-427
J. Aramburu and M. Rovira (2000)
Incidence and natural spread of apple mosaic ilarvirus in hazel in north-east Spain
surveys/sampling/distribution (45)
Click here to display long list
transmission/dispersal of plant diseases (1)
Annals of Applied Biology (2002) 141, 77-85
S.J. Pethybridge, C.R. Wilson, F.S. Hay, G.W. Leggett and L.J. Sherriff (2002)
Mechanical transmission of Apple mosaic virus in Australian hop (Humulus lupulus) gardens
molecular biology - genes (13)
review (2)
Phytopathologia Mediterranea (2016) 55, 1-19
Lenka Grimová, Lucie Winkowska, Michal Konrady and Pavel Rysánek (2016)
Apple mosaic virus
Phytopathology (2012) 102, 1108-1120
V. Pallas, F. Aparicio, M.C. Herranz, K. Amari, M.A. Sanchez-Pina, A. Myrta and J.A. Sanchez-Navarro (2012)
Ilarviruses of Prunus spp.: A continued concern for fruit trees