Andreas Kortekamp

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Publications of Andreas Kortekamp (15 listed):

Pest Management Science (2022) 78, 3266-3276
Verena Küpper, Ulrike Steiner and Andreas Kortekamp (2022)
Trichoderma species isolated from grapevine with tolerance towards common copper fungicides used in viticulture for plant protection

Plant Disease (2021) 105 (10 - 0330)
B. Jarausch, S. Biancu, S. Kugler, T. Wetzel, M. Baumann, P. Winterhagen, W. Jarausch, A. Kortekamp and M. Maixner (2021)
First report of flavescence dorée-related phytoplasma in a productive vineyard in Germany

Plant Disease (2021) 105 (11 - 0330)
B. Jarausch, S. Biancu, S. Kugler, T. Wetzel, M. Baumann, P. Winterhagen, W. Jarausch, A. Kortekamp and M. Maixner (2021)
First report of flavescence dorée-related Phytoplasma in a productive vineyard in Germany

Phytopathologia Mediterranea (2018) 57, 369-383
Vincenzo Mondello, Philippe Larignon, Josep Armengol, Andreas Kortekamp, Kalman Vaczy, Fanny Prezman, Eric Serrano, Cecilia Rego, Laura Mugnai and Florence Fontaine (2018)
Management of grapevine trunk diseases: knowledge transfer, current strategies and innovative strategies adopted in Europe

Molecular Breeding (2008) 22, 421-432
Andreas Kortekamp, Leocir Welter, Sarah Vogt, Alexander Knoll, Florian Schwander, Reinhard Töpfer and Eva Zyprian (2008)
Identification, isolation and characterization of a CC-NBS-LRR candidate disease resistance gene family in grapevine

European Journal of Plant Pathology (2008) 120, 317-330
Andreas Walz, Irmgard Zingen-Sell, Simone Theisen and Andreas Kortekamp (2008)
Reactive oxygen intermediates and oxalic acid in the pathogenesis of the necrotrophic fungus Sclerotinia sclerotiorum

Gesunde Pflanzen (2008) 60, 101-110
Maria Albrecht and Andreas Kortekamp (2008)
Auswirkungen des Herbizids Basta® auf die Weinrebe und den Falschen Mehltau
[The effect of the herbicide Basta® on grapevine and the downy mildew pathogen]

Journal of Plant Pathology (2007) 89, p. S54 (Polesani et al.)
M. Polesani, D. Glissant, D. Dametto, A. Ferrarini, F. Desario, A. Kortekamp, M. Pezzotti, M. Delledonne and A. Polverari (2007)
The combimatrix platform for microarray analysis: gene expression in resistant and susceptible grape genotypes during Plasmopara viticola infection
Poster Presentation at S.I.Pa.V XIV National Meeting - Perugia, Italy 19-21 Sept. 2007

Journal of Plant Pathology (2006) 88, p. S23 (Polesani et al.)
M. Polesani, F. Desario, J. Knörzer, N. Regier, A. Kortekamp and A. Polverar (2006)
Identification of differentially expressed genes in grapevine following infection with Plasmopara viticola
S.I.Pa.V XIII National Meeting - Foggia, 12-16 September 2006 - Oral Presentation

International Journal of Pest Management (2006) 52, 109-115
Andreas Kortekamp (2006)
Effectiveness of calcium salts, hydrogen peroxide, azoxystrobin, and antagonistic bacteria to control post-harvest rot on tobacco caused by Rhizopus oryzae

Gesunde Pflanzen (2004) 56, 201-207
D. Heibertshausen and A. Kortekamp (2004)
Infektionszyklus und biologische Bekämpfung von Podosphaera xanthii, dem Echten Mehltau der Ringelblume (Calendula officinalis)
[Infection cycle and biological control of Podosphaera xanthii, the powdery mildew of marigold (Calendula officinalis)]

Zeitschrift für Pflanzenkrankheiten und Pflanzenschutz - Journal of Plant Diseases and Protection (2003) 110, 535-543
A. Kortekamp, Margit Schmidtke and Anke Serr (2003)
Infection and decay of tobacco caused by Rhizopus oryzae

FEMS Microbiology Letters (2002) 208, 169-173
Stefan Werner, Ulrike Steiner, Rayko Becher, Andreas Kortekamp, Eva Zyprian and Holger B. Deising (2002)
Chitin synthesis during in planta growth and asexual propagation of the cellulosic oomycete and obligate biotrophic grapevine pathogen Plasmopara viticola

Journal of Phytopathology - Phytopathologische Zeitschrift (1999) 147, 453-459
A. Kortekamp and E. Zyprian (1999)
Leaf hairs as a basic protective barrier against downy mildew of grape

Zeitschrift für Pflanzenkrankheiten und Pflanzenschutz - Journal of Plant Diseases and Protection (1998) 105, 475-488
A. Kortekamp, R. Wind and E. Zyprian (1998)
Investigation of the interaction of Plasmopara viticola with susceptible and resistant grapevine cultivars