Akanthomyces attenuatus (entomopathogen)
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Cinara cupressi infected and killed by Akanthomyces attenuatus (click on image to enlarge it)
Authors: Surendra K. Dara, Cristian Montalva and Marek Barta
Source: Insects (2019) 10 (10), art. 341
Authors: Surendra K. Dara, Cristian Montalva and Marek Barta
Source: Insects (2019) 10 (10), art. 341
Akanthomyces attenuatus (Zare & W. Gams) Spatafora, Kepler & B. Shrestha 2017 (insect pathogen)
The fungus Akanthomyces attenuatus is mainly an entomopathogen, infecting groups like aphids or whiteflies. Until 2017, it has been known under the synonym Lecanicillium attenuatum.
Lecanicillium attenuatum
Verticillium attenuatum