Claire Villemant

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Publications of Claire Villemant (9 listed):

Journal of Pest Science (2020) 93, 1-9
Fabrice Requier, Quentin Rome, Claire Villemant and Mickaël Henry (2020)
A biodiversity-friendly method to mitigate the invasive Asian hornet's impact on European honey bees

Journal of Pest Science (2019) 92, 567-578
Fabrice Requier, Quentin Rome, Guillaume Chiron, Damien Decante, Solène Marion, Michel Menard, Franck Muller, Claire Villemant and Mickaël Henry (2019)
Predation of the invasive Asian hornet affects foraging activity and survival probability of honey bees in Western Europe

PLoS ONE (2018) 13 (3 - e0193085)
Morgane Barbet-Massin, Quentin Rome, Claire Villemant and Franck Courchamp (2018)
Can species distribution models really predict the expansion of invasive species?

Journal of Applied Entomology (2015) 139, 771-782
Q. Rome, F.J. Muller, A. Touret-Alby, E. Darrouzet, A. Perrard and C. Villemant (2015)
Caste differentiation and seasonal changes in Vespa velutina (Hym.: Vespidae) colonies in its introduced range

Biological Invasions (2015) 17, 2357-2371
M. Arca, F. Mougel, T. Guillemaud, S. Dupas, Q. Rome, A. Perrard, F. Muller, A. Fossoud, C. Capdevielle-Dulac, M. Torres-Leguizamon, X.X. Chen, J.L. Tan, C. Jung, C. Villemant, G. Arnold and J.-F. Silvain (2015)
Reconstructing the invasion and the demographic history of the yellow-legged hornet, Vespa velutina, in Europe

BioControl (2011) 56, 505-526
Jacqueline R. Beggs, Eckehard G. Brockerhoff, Juan C. Corley, Marc Kenis, Maité Masciocchi, Franck Muller, Quentin Rome and Claire Villemant (2011)
Ecological effects and management of invasive alien Vespidae

Systematic Entomology (2007) 32, 625-634
Claire Villemant, Giuseppina Simbolotti and Marc Kenis (2007)
Discrimination of Eubazus (Hymenoptera, Braconidae) sibling species using geometric morphometrics analysis of wing venation

European Journal of Entomology (1999) 96, 29-36
C. Villemant and M.-C. Andrei-Ruiz (1999)
Life-cycles and biological features of egg predators of Lymantria dispar (Lepidoptera : Lymantriidae) in the Mamora cork oak forest, Morocco

Entomophaga (1995) 40, 441-456
C. Villemant and H. Ramzi (1995)
Predators of Lymantria dispar (Lep. Lymantriidae) egg masses: Spatio-temporal variation of their impact during the 1988-89 pest generation in the Mamora cork oak forest (Morocco)