Dendroctonus frontalis

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Literature database
167 articles sorted by:
year (recent ones first)
research topics
list of natural enemies
southern pine beetle (Dendroctonus frontalis) life cyle (click on image to enlarge it)
Artist: Richard Kliefoth, Boyce Thompson Institute.
Source: Ronald F. Billings (Texas Forest Service) IPM Images

Dendroctonus frontalis Zimmermann (southern pine beetle)
is major pest of pine forests in North America. Populations undergo cyclic fluctuations every 7-10 years.

For details see the respective page in BugwoodWiki.

Vernacular names
• English: southern pine beetle
• Español: escarabajo de pino sureño
• Français: dendroctone méridional du pin

The literature database currently contains 167 publications for Dendroctonus frontalis. (See box above/on left.)