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Polygonum persicaria (weed)
Has query
"Has query" is a predefined property that represents meta information (in form of a subobject) about individual queries.
Persicaria maculosa (weed) + , Persicaria maculosa (weed) +
Categories Persicaria (weeds)
Modification date
This property is a special property in this wiki.
10 January 2018 19:40:17  +
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Acta Agronomica Hungarica (2006) 54, 69-485 + , Agronomy Research (2009) 7, 239-244 + , Annals of Applied Biology (1997) 130, 123-134 + , Annals of Applied Biology (1997) 130, 255-260 + , Annals of Applied Biology (1998) 132, 289-299 + , Canadian Journal of Forest Research - Revue Canadienne de Recherche Forestière (2006) 36, 1900-1912 + , Canadian Journal of Plant Science (2002) 82, 789-796 + , Canadian Journal of Plant Science (2005) 85, 285-289 + , Canadian Journal of Plant Science (2017) 97, 891-901 + , Environmental Entomology (1984) 13, 751-756 + , HortScience (2020) 55, 1014-1021 + , Journal of Economic Entomology (2018) 111, 662-671 + , Journal of Nematology (2007) 39, 321-326 + , Journal of Plant Protection Research (2003) 43, 247-254 + , Journal of Plant Protection Research (2008) 48, 337-345 + , Journal of Plant Protection Research (2009) 49, 209-215 + , Journal of Plant Protection Research (2012) 52, 486-493 + , Journal of Plant Protection Research (2018) 58, 404-412 + , Pesticide Science (1995) 44, 21-27 + , Plant Protection Science (2004) 40, 151-168 + ... Pest
Acta Agronomica Hungarica (2006) 54, 69-485 + , Agronomy Research (2009) 7, 239-244 + , Annals of Applied Biology (1997) 130, 123-134 + , Annals of Applied Biology (1997) 130, 255-260 + , Annals of Applied Biology (1998) 132, 289-299 + , Canadian Journal of Forest Research - Revue Canadienne de Recherche Forestière (2006) 36, 1900-1912 + , Canadian Journal of Plant Science (2002) 82, 789-796 + , Canadian Journal of Plant Science (2005) 85, 285-289 + , Canadian Journal of Plant Science (2017) 97, 891-901 + , Environmental Entomology (1984) 13, 751-756 + , HortScience (2020) 55, 1014-1021 + , Journal of Economic Entomology (2018) 111, 662-671 + , Journal of Nematology (2007) 39, 321-326 + , Journal of Plant Protection Research (2003) 43, 247-254 + , Journal of Plant Protection Research (2008) 48, 337-345 + , Journal of Plant Protection Research (2009) 49, 209-215 + , Journal of Plant Protection Research (2012) 52, 486-493 + , Journal of Plant Protection Research (2018) 58, 404-412 + , Pesticide Science (1995) 44, 21-27 + , Plant Protection Science (2004) 40, 151-168 + ... Publication on pest
Floh-Knöterich + , Lady’s thumb + , Polygonum maculosa + , Polygonum persicaria (weed) + , Redshank + , Spotted ladysthumb + redirect page


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