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Passion fruit woodiness virus
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Passion fruit woodiness virus +
Categories Potyvirus (genus)
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This property is a special property in this wiki.
15 September 2015 15:51:45  +
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Archives of Virology (2011) 156, 1757-1774 + , Archives of Virology (2011) 156, 479-482 + , Archives of Virology (2013) 158, 1821-1824 + , Australasian Plant Pathology (1997) 26, 155-164 + , Australasian Plant Pathology (2002) 31, 385-390 + , Australasian Plant Pathology (2015) 44, 311-318 + , Euphytica (2015) 202, 345-359 + , Fitopatologia Brasileira (2002) 27, p. 108 (Moraes et al.) + , Fitopatologia Brasileira (2002) 27, p. 648 (Novaes et al.) + , Fitopatologia Brasileira (2005) 30, 307-311 + , HortScience (1994) 29, 901-902 + , HortScience (2000) 35, 880-881 + , Neotropical Entomology (2006) 35, 139-140 + , Plant Disease (2006) 90, 1026-1030 + , Plant Disease (2018) 102, p. 1181 (Arogundade et al.) + , Plant Pathology (2003) 52, 648-654 + , Plant Pathology (2007) 56, 729-742 + , Revista Brasileira de Fruticultura (2008) 30, 343-347 + , Scientia Agricola (2003) 60, 699-708 + , Scientia Agricola (2003) 60, 699-708 + Pest
Archives of Virology (2011) 156, 1757-1774 + , Archives of Virology (2011) 156, 479-482 + , Archives of Virology (2013) 158, 1821-1824 + , Australasian Plant Pathology (1997) 26, 155-164 + , Australasian Plant Pathology (2002) 31, 385-390 + , Australasian Plant Pathology (2015) 44, 311-318 + , Euphytica (2015) 202, 345-359 + , Fitopatologia Brasileira (2002) 27, p. 108 (Moraes et al.) + , Fitopatologia Brasileira (2002) 27, p. 648 (Novaes et al.) + , Fitopatologia Brasileira (2005) 30, 307-311 + , HortScience (1994) 29, 901-902 + , HortScience (2000) 35, 880-881 + , Neotropical Entomology (2006) 35, 139-140 + , Plant Disease (2006) 90, 1026-1030 + , Plant Disease (2018) 102, p. 1181 (Arogundade et al.) + , Plant Pathology (2003) 52, 648-654 + , Plant Pathology (2007) 56, 729-742 + , Revista Brasileira de Fruticultura (2008) 30, 343-347 + , Scientia Agricola (2003) 60, 699-708 + Publication on pest
PWV + , Passionfruit woodiness virus + redirect page


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