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Microplitis pallidipes (parasitoid)
Has query
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Microplitis pallidipes (parasitoid) +
Categories Microplitis (genus - parasitoids)
Modification date
This property is a special property in this wiki.
28 February 2017 14:59:26  +
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BioControl (2013) 58, 777-788 + , BioControl (2013) 58, 777-788 + , BioControl (2022) 67, 1-13 + , Biocontrol Science and Technology (2014) 24, 561-573 + , Biocontrol Science and Technology (2015) 25, 1254-1268 + , Biocontrol Science and Technology (2017) 27, 1292-1307 + , Biocontrol Science and Technology (2017) 27, 408-423 + , International Journal of Pest Management (2017) 63, 341-348 + , Journal of Applied Entomology (2016) 140, 142-149 + , Journal of Applied Entomology (2020) 144, 308-314 + , Journal of Pest Science (2014) 87, 143-153 + , Journal of Pest Science (2014) 87, 143-153 + , Pest Management Science (2011) 67, 705-713 + Beneficial
BioControl (2013) 58, 777-788 + , BioControl (2022) 67, 1-13 + , Biocontrol Science and Technology (2014) 24, 561-573 + , Biocontrol Science and Technology (2015) 25, 1254-1268 + , Biocontrol Science and Technology (2017) 27, 1292-1307 + , Biocontrol Science and Technology (2017) 27, 408-423 + , International Journal of Pest Management (2017) 63, 341-348 + , Journal of Applied Entomology (2016) 140, 142-149 + , Journal of Applied Entomology (2020) 144, 308-314 + , Journal of Pest Science (2014) 87, 143-153 + , Pest Management Science (2011) 67, 705-713 + Publication on beneficial


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