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Journal of Nematology (2005) 37, p. 367 (Duncan et al.)
Author Page Fahiem E. El-Borai + , Larry W. Duncan +
Benf research environment/habitat manipulation  + , population dynamics/epizootiology  +
Dc:date 2005  +
Dc:title Trophic cascades and non-target effects of augmenting entomopathogenic nematode communities  +
Foaf:maker [[Larry W. Duncan|L.W. Duncan]], J.H. Graham, [[Fahiem E. El-Borai|F. El-Borai]] and D.L. Porazinska  +
Prism:publicationName Journal of Nematology  +
Prism:startingPage 367  +
Prism:volume 37 (3)  +
Publication note 44th Annual Meeting, Society of Nematologists, Fort Lauderdale, Florida, 9-13 July, 2005  +
Publication on beneficial Steinernema riobrave/Xenorhabdus cabanillasii (entomopathogen) + , Heterorhabditis zealandica (entomopathogen) + , Heterorhabditis (genus - entomopathogens) + , Steinernema (genus - entomopathogens) +
Publication on pest Diaprepes abbreviatus + , Curculionidae +
Publication year 2,005  +
Research topic biocontrol - natural enemies  +
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Journal of Nematology (2005) 37, p. 367 (Duncan et al.) + , Journal of Nematology (2005) 37, p. 367 (Duncan et al.) + , Journal of Nematology (2005) 37, p. 367 (Duncan et al.) + , Journal of Nematology (2005) 37, p. 367 (Duncan et al.) +
Categories Publications
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18 June 2019 19:38:52  +
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Journal of Nematology (2005) 37, p. 367 (Duncan et al.) + , Journal of Nematology (2005) 37, p. 367 (Duncan et al.) + , Journal of Nematology (2005) 37, p. 367 (Duncan et al.) + , Journal of Nematology (2005) 37, p. 367 (Duncan et al.) + , Journal of Nematology (2005) 37, p. 367 (Duncan et al.) + , Journal of Nematology (2005) 37, p. 367 (Duncan et al.) +
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Journal of Nematology (2005) 37, p. 367 (Duncan et al.) + , Journal of Nematology (2005) 37, p. 367 (Duncan et al.) + , Journal of Nematology (2005) 37, p. 367 (Duncan et al.) + , Journal of Nematology (2005) 37, p. 367 (Duncan et al.) + Beneficial record
Journal of Nematology (2005) 37, p. 367 (Duncan et al.) + , Journal of Nematology (2005) 37, p. 367 (Duncan et al.) + Pest record


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