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Dusky arion
Has query
"Has query" is a predefined property that represents meta information (in form of a subobject) about individual queries.
Arion subfuscus +
Categories Arion (genus)
Modification date
This property is a special property in this wiki.
13 June 2015 07:43:10  +
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Agronomía Tropical (1998) 48, 291-303 + , Agronomía Tropical (1998) 48, 291-303 + , Agronomía Tropical (1998) 48, 291-303 + , Annals of Applied Biology (2013) 162, 324-334 + , Annals of Applied Biology (2013) 162, 324-334 + , Biocontrol Science and Technology (2003) 13, 119-125 + , Biological Invasions (2011) 13, 61-66 + , Biological Invasions (2011) 13, 61-66 + , Biological Invasions (2022) 24, 1267-1281 + , Biological Journal of the Linnean Society (2004) 83, 23-38 + , Canadian Journal of Zoology (2018) 96, 325-331 + , Ecological Entomology (2007) 32, 211-220 + , European Journal of Entomology (2004) 101, 359-364 + , European Journal of Entomology (2004) 101, 359-364 + , European Journal of Entomology (2004) 101, 359-364 + , Florida Entomologist (2012) 95, 1077-1085 + , Journal of Applied Ecology (2000) 37, 449-463 + , Journal of Chemical Ecology (1999) 25, 1441-1454 + , Journal of Entomological Science (1999) 34, 467-478 + , Journal of Entomological Science (1999) 34, 467-478 + ... Pest
Agronomía Tropical (1998) 48, 291-303 + , Annals of Applied Biology (2013) 162, 324-334 + , Biocontrol Science and Technology (2003) 13, 119-125 + , Biological Invasions (2011) 13, 61-66 + , Biological Invasions (2022) 24, 1267-1281 + , Biological Journal of the Linnean Society (2004) 83, 23-38 + , Canadian Journal of Zoology (2018) 96, 325-331 + , Ecological Entomology (2007) 32, 211-220 + , European Journal of Entomology (2004) 101, 359-364 + , Florida Entomologist (2012) 95, 1077-1085 + , Journal of Applied Ecology (2000) 37, 449-463 + , Journal of Chemical Ecology (1999) 25, 1441-1454 + , Journal of Entomological Science (1999) 34, 467-478 + , Journal of Integrated Pest Management (2012) 3, C1-C9 + , Journal of Zoological Systematics and Evolutionary Research (2005) 43, 139-148 + , Oecologia (2001) 129, 87-97 + , Pest Management Science (2002) 58, 687-694 + , Spanish Journal of Agricultural Research (2011) 9, 894-900 + Publication on pest
Babosa arion oscuro + , Dusky arion + redirect page


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