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Bromus rubens (weed)
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Bromus rubens (weed) +
Categories Bromus (weeds)
Modification date
This property is a special property in this wiki.
29 June 2015 16:39:36  +
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Biological Invasions (2005) 7, 165-180 + , Biological Invasions (2015) 17, 1849-1857 + , Biological Invasions (2017) 19, 1339-1350 + , Botany (2016) 94, 425-433 + , Ecology and Evolution (2019) 9, 12421-12435 + , Invasive Plant Science and Management (2011) 4, 115-124 + , Invasive Plant Science and Management (2012) 5, 47-56 + , Invasive Plant Science and Management (2015) 8, 341-352 + , Plants (2022) 11 (20 - 2785) + , Rangeland Ecology and Management (2013) 66, 157-163 + , Weed Biology and Management (2020) 20, 12-23 + , Weed Research (1992) 32, 303-310 + , Weed Technology (2001) 15, 642-646 + Pest
Biological Invasions (2005) 7, 165-180 + , Biological Invasions (2015) 17, 1849-1857 + , Biological Invasions (2017) 19, 1339-1350 + , Botany (2016) 94, 425-433 + , Ecology and Evolution (2019) 9, 12421-12435 + , Invasive Plant Science and Management (2011) 4, 115-124 + , Invasive Plant Science and Management (2012) 5, 47-56 + , Invasive Plant Science and Management (2015) 8, 341-352 + , Plants (2022) 11 (20 - 2785) + , Rangeland Ecology and Management (2013) 66, 157-163 + , Weed Biology and Management (2020) 20, 12-23 + , Weed Research (1992) 32, 303-310 + , Weed Technology (2001) 15, 642-646 + Publication on pest
Bromus madritensis rubens + , Red brome + redirect page


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