Sesamia inferens

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Sesamia inferens forewing (click on image to enlarge it)
Author(s): Amy Carmichael, Queensland University of Technology
Source: PaDIL

Sesamia inferens (Walker, 1856) - (Asiatic pink stem borer)

This moth is an important rice pest in Asia. Sugarcane and some other crops can be also attacked. Depending on the environmental conditions, there may be 4 to 8 generations per year. The last generation overwinters as nearly mature caterpillars. There are 6 larval instars and the caterpillars are pink to purple dorsally and white ventrally, the head is orange-red.

Vernacular names
• Deutsch: violetter Reisstengelbohrer
• English: Asiatic pink stem borer
pink rice stem borer
purple stem borer
• Español: barrenador rosado del tallo de arroz
• Français: noctuelle du riz