Eirini Karanastasi

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Name Eirini Karanastasi
Position Assistant Professor
Affiliation Plant Protection Lab.
Technological Educational Institute of Messolonghi
Faculty of Agricultural Technology
Department of Greenhouse Crops and Floriculture
Website of affiliation http://www.teimes.gr/wwwgr/
Personal website http://www.eirinikaranastasi.webs.com/
Email ekaran(at)teimes.gr
Tel. ++30 2631058-234,-318
Fax ++30 2631058288
Remarks research on plant parasitic nematodes
Last update 22/12/2011

Publications of Eirini Karanastasi (6 listed):

Journal of Economic Entomology (2010) 103, 977-984
Christos G. Athanassiou, Nickolas G. Kavallieratos, Hara Menti and Eirini Karanastasi (2010)
Mortality of four stored product pests in stored wheat when exposed to doses of three entomopathogenic nematodes

Plant Disease (2005) 89, p. 685 (Karanastasi et al.)
E. Karanastasi, W. Decraemer, P.E. Kyriakopoulou and R. Neilson (2005)
First report of the stubby-root nematode Paratrichodorus teres associated with artichoke (Cynara scolymus) in Greece

Nematology (2004) 6, 695-713
Eirini Karanastasi, Wilfrida Decraemer, Urs Wyss and Derek J.F. Brown (2004)
The ultrastructure of the feeding apparatus and pharyngeal tract of four European species of Trichodoridae (Nematoda: Triplonchida)

Nematology (2004) 6, 261-272
Eirini Karanastasi and Derek J.F. Brown (2004)
Interspecific variation in the site of Tobravirus particle retention in selected virus-vector Paratrichodorus and Trichodorus species (Nematoda: Diptherophorina)

Nematology (2003) 5, 421-434
Eirini Karanastasi, Urs Wyss and Derek J.F. Brown (2003)
An in vitro examination of the feeding behaviour of Paratrichodorus anemones (Nematoda: Trichodoridae), with comments on the ability of the nematode to acquire and transmit Tobravirus particles

Journal of Nematology (2000) 32, 5-12
E. Karanastasi, N. Vassilakos, I.M. Roberts, S.A. MacFarlane and D.J.F. Brown (2000)
Immunogold localization of Tobacco rattle virus particles within Paratrichodorus anemones