Journal of Plant Pathology (1999) 81 (2)

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Articles of Journal of Plant Pathology entered for 1999 and volume (issue): 81 (2)

Journal of Plant Pathology (1999) 81, 73-88
M. Lorito and F. Scala (1999)
Microbial genes expressed in transgenic plants to improve disease resistance

Journal of Plant Pathology (1999) 81, 89-94
A. Bertoluzza, G. Bottura, P. Lucchi, L. Marchetti and A. Zechini D'Aulerio (1999)
Molecular monitoring of horse chestnut leaves affected with biotic and abiotic disorders

Journal of Plant Pathology (1999) 81, 95-102
M.I. Salerno, G. Lori, P. Camporota and R. Perrin (1999)
Solarization for the control of soil-borne pathogens in forest nurseries in temperate climate

Journal of Plant Pathology (1999) 81, 123-126
T.R. Chitra, H.S. Prakash, S.E. Albrechtsen, H.S. Shetty and S.B. Mathur (1999)
Infection of tomato and bell pepper by TOMV and TMV at different growth stages and establishment of virus in seeds

Journal of Plant Pathology (1999) 81, 127-136
C. Marzachì, A. Alma, M. d'Aquilio, G. Minuto and G. Boccardo (1999)
Detection and identification of phytoplasmas infecting cultivated and wild plants in Liguria (Italian Riviera)

Journal of Plant Pathology (1999) 81, 137-144
L.K. Christensen and K. Thinggaard (1999)
Solarization of greenhouse soil for prevention of Pythium root rot in organically grown cucumber

Journal of Plant Pathology (1999) 81, 145-148
M.M. Finetti Sialer, F. Cillo, L. Barbarossa and D. Gallitelli (1999)
Differentiation of Cucumber mosaic virus subgroups by RT-PCR RFLP

Journal of Plant Pathology (1999) 81, p. 149 (Roggero et al.)
P. Roggero, P. Gotta, V.M. Stravato, G. Dellavalle and M. Ciuffo (1999)
Further spread of Moroccan watermelon mosaic potyvirus in Italy in 1998

Journal of Plant Pathology (1999) 81, p. 149 (Del Serrone et al.)
P. Del Serrone and M. Pilotti (1999)
First report of a phytoplasma in declining Judas trees in Italy