Euphytica (2000) 112
Articles of Euphytica entered for volume 112 (2000)
Euphytica (2000) 112, 79-88
Z.P. Yang, X.Y. Yang and D.C. Huang (2000)
Improvement of resistance to Fusarium head blight by recurrent selection in an intermating breeding spring wheat population using the dominant male-sterile gene ms 2
Euphytica 112 (1), p. 79
Euphytica (2000) 112, 101-107
S. Kohpina, R. Knight and F.L. Stoddard (2000)
Genetics of resistance to ascochyta blight in two populations of faba bean
Euphytica 112 (2), p. 101
Euphytica (2000) 112, 167-173
H.C. Sharma, M.V. Satyanarayana, S.D. Singh and J.W. Stenhouse (2000)
Inheritance of resistance to head bugs and its interaction with grain molds in Sorghum bicolor
Euphytica 112 (2), p. 167
Euphytica (2000) 112, 211-217
Vincent Le Guen, Marc Seguin and Carlos R.R. Mattos (2000)
Qualitative resistance of Hevea to Phyllachora huberi P. Henn
Euphytica 112 (2), p. 211
Euphytica (2000) 112, 219-231
Olga E. Scholten and Wouter Lange (2000)
Breeding for resistance to rhizomania in sugar beet: A review
Euphytica 112 (3), p. 219
Euphytica (2000) 112, 233-237
S. Raza, J.L. Christiansen, B. Jørnsgård and R. Ortiz (2000)
Partial resistance to a Fusarium root disease in Egyptian white lupin landraces
Euphytica 112 (3), p. 233