Bibliography:Bursaphelenchus sexdentati

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Publication list for Bursaphelenchus sexdentati sorted according to research topics

general biology - morphology - evolution (4)

Phytoparasitica (2019) 47, 89-97
Nuray Öztürk, Süleyman Akbulut and Ismail Baysal (2019)
Determination of pathogenicity of Bursaphelenchus species on different pine species under natural conditions in Düzce

Phytoparasitica (2015) 43, 209-214
Süleyman Akbulut, Besir Yüksel, Metin Serin and Mahir Erdem (2015)
Comparison of pathogenic potential of Bursaphelenchus species on conifer seedlings between greenhouse and outdoor conditions

Forest Pathology (2012) 42, 213-219
M. Dayi and S. Akbulut (2012)
Pathogenicity testing of four Bursaphelenchus species on conifer seedlings under greenhouse conditions

Forest Pathology (2000) 30, 149-156
G. Skarmoutsos and H. Michalopoulos-Skarmoutsos (2000)
Pathogenicity of Bursaphelenchus sexdentati, Bursaphelenchus leoni and Bursaphelenchus hellenicus on European pine seedlings

identification/taxonomy (3)

Journal of Nematology (2004) 36, p. 353 (Ye et al.)
W.M. Ye, R.M. Giblin-Davis, H. Braasch, K. Morris and W.K. Thomas (2004)
Phylogenetic relationships among Bursaphelenchus species (Nematoda: Parasitaphelenchidae) inferred from nuclear ribosomal and mitochondrial DNA sequence data
paper presented at the Society of Nematologists 43rd Annual Meeting, Estes Park, Colorado 7-11 August 2004

Phytopathologia Mediterranea (2004) 43, 232-258
Isabel M. De O. Abrantes, M. Clara Vieira Dos Santos, I. Luci P.M. Da Conceição, M. José M. Da Cunha and M. Susana N. De A. Santos (2004)
Biochemical and molecular characterization of plant-parasitic nematodes

Nematology (2004) 6, 437-453
Ana Catarina Penas, Petra Correia, Maria Antónia Bravo, Manuel Mota and Rogério Tenreiro (2004)
Species of Bursaphelenchus Fuchs, 1937 (Nematoda: Parasitaphelenchidae) associated with maritime pine in Portugal

environment - cropping system/rotation (1)

Annals of Applied Biology (2006) 148, 121-131
A.C. Penas, M.A. Bravo, P. Naves, L. Bonifácio, E. Sousa and M. Mota (2006)
Species of Bursaphelenchus Fuchs, 1937 (Nematoda: Parasitaphelenchidae) and other nematode genera associated with insects from Pinus pinaster in Portugal

surveys/sampling/distribution (11)

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rearing/culturing/mass production (1)

Journal für Kulturpflanzen - Journal of Cultivated Plants (2020) 72, 415-420
Björn Hoppe, Helen Braasch, Silvia Urban and Thomas Schröder (2020)
Die in vitro-Zuchten von Bursaphelenchus spp. am Referenzlaboratorium für Quarantäneschadorganismen am Julius Kühn-Institut in Braunschweig
[The in vitro cultivation of Bursaphelenchus spp. at the reference laboratory for quarantine pests at Julius Kühn-Institut in Braunschweig]