Bibliography:Asclepias syriaca (weed) (beneficials)
From Pestinfo-Wiki
Beneficials assigned in the literature database to Asclepias syriaca (weed):
Click on a beneficial to display a list of the respective articles.
(Beneficials listed as "not categorized" have not yet been entered into the system.)
insect bioagents of weeds - Coleoptera
Rhyssomatus (genus - weed bioagents) (2)
Rhyssomatus lineaticollis (weed bioagent) (2)
not categorized weed bioagents
Aphis asclepiadis (weed bioagent) (2)
Labidomera clivicollis (weed bioagent) (1)
Rhyssomatus annectens (weed bioagent) (1)
Tetraopes tetrophthalmus (weed bioagent) (4)