Journal of Pest Science (2008) 81, 57-62

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Abdurrahman Ayvaz and Salih Karabörklü (2008)
Effect of cold storage and different diets on Ephestia kuehniella Zeller (Lep:Pyralidae)
Journal of Pest Science 81 (1), 57-62
Abstract: Ephestia kuehniella adults were stored at 10°C for 1-10 weeks. Reproductive ability and number of living adults decreased depending on the length of the storage period. Long-term exposure to cold lengthened the life of the adults and 50% mortality was reached after 6 weeks. To obtain complete mortality and sterility 10 weeks of storage was needed. The larvae reared on corn flour diet developed to the adult stage more rapidly than that of the other treatments. The adults reared on oat flour produced significantly more eggs than the other diets. There was no difference among diets with regard to emergence rate, longevity or sex ration of E. kuehniella adults. Trichogramma evanescens did not differentiate among hosts from different food sources with respect to parasitization, adult emergence and sex ratio. The suitability of the eggs from cold-exposed adults with respect to parasitization was found to be the same as the control during the first 3 weeks.
(The abstract is excluded from the Creative Commons licence and has been copied with permission by the publisher.)
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Database assignments for author(s): Abdurrahman Ayvaz

Research topic(s) for pests/diseases/weeds:
rearing/culturing/mass production
general biology - morphology - evolution
Research topic(s) for beneficials or antagonists:
rearing/culturing/mass production

Pest and/or beneficial records:

Beneficial Pest/Disease/Weed Crop/Product Country Quarant.

Ephestia kuehniella
Trichogramma evanescens (parasitoid)