Plant Disease (1998) 82, 819-825

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T.A. Coutinho, M.J. Wingfield, A.C. Alfenas and P.W. Crous (1998)
Eucalyptus rust: A disease with the potential for serious international implications
Plant Disease 82 (7), 819-825
Abstract: Eucalyptus spp. are propagated extensively as non-natives in plantations in many parts of the tropics and sub-tropics. A number of diseases result in serious losses to this economically important forest resource. Eucalyptus rust, caused by Puccinia psidii, is one such example. The economic losses due to this disease are the result of infections of seedlings, young trees, and coppice. P. psidii occurs predominately in Central and South America, but reports of a similar rust are known from other areas. Eucalyptus rust is a remarkable disease in that the pathogen is not known on eucalypts in their centers of origin. It has apparently originated on native Myrtaceae in South America and is highly infective on some Eucalyptus spp. planted there. P. psidii causes one of the most serious forestry diseases in Brazil and is considered to be the most serious threat to eucalypt plantations worldwide. Advances in eucalyptus rust research are reviewed here, with a focus on topics such as distribution, host range, pathogen specialization, symptomatology, etiology, epidemiology, and control.
(The abstract is excluded from the Creative Commons licence and has been copied with permission by the publisher.)
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Database assignments for author(s): Teresa A. Coutinho, Pedro W. Crous, Michael J. Wingfield, Acelino C. Alfenas

Research topic(s) for pests/diseases/weeds:

Pest and/or beneficial records:

Beneficial Pest/Disease/Weed Crop/Product Country Quarant.

Puccinia psidii Cuba
Puccinia psidii Dominican Republic
Puccinia psidii Jamaica
Puccinia psidii Puerto Rico
Puccinia psidii Colombia
Puccinia psidii Ecuador (continental)
Puccinia psidii Paraguay
Puccinia psidii Trinidad and Tobago
Puccinia psidii Uruguay
Puccinia psidii Venezuela
Puccinia psidii U.S.A. (SE)
Puccinia psidii Eucalypt (Eucalyptus) Argentina