Ambrosia artemisiifolia (weed)

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Ambrosia artemisiifolia (click on image to enlarge it)
Author(s): Bruce Ackley, The Ohio State University
Source: IPM Images

Ambrosia artemisiifolia (weed) L. - common ragweed
is widespread in temperate regions. It is a serious annual herbaceous weed and often a source of allergies.
Ambrosia artemisiifolia var. elatior (syn. Ambrosia elatior) - annual ragweed. An introduced weed in Hungary and other countries, of South American origin.

Ambrosia elatior

Vernacular names
• Deutsch: Beifussblättrige Ambrosie
• English: common ragweed
annual ragweed
• Français: petite herbe à poux

The literature database currently contains 427 publications for Ambrosia artemisiifolia (weed). (See box above/on left.)