Sarsina violascens
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Sarsina violascens - male (top) and female (bottom) (click on image to enlarge it)
Authors: Marina Moraes C., Luis Anderson Ribeiro Leite, Mirna Martins Casagrande and Olaf Hermann Hendrik Mielke
Source: Revista Brasileira de Entomologia, 54 (4), p. 573
Authors: Marina Moraes C., Luis Anderson Ribeiro Leite, Mirna Martins Casagrande and Olaf Hermann Hendrik Mielke
Source: Revista Brasileira de Entomologia, 54 (4), p. 573
Sarsina violascens - eggs and caterpillar (click on image to enlarge it)
Authors: Marina Moraes C., Luis Anderson Ribeiro Leite, Mirna Martins Casagrande and Olaf Hermann Hendrik Mielke
Source: Revista Brasileira de Entomologia, 54 (4), p. 574
Authors: Marina Moraes C., Luis Anderson Ribeiro Leite, Mirna Martins Casagrande and Olaf Hermann Hendrik Mielke
Source: Revista Brasileira de Entomologia, 54 (4), p. 574
Sarsina violascens Herrich-Schäffer, 1856
The moth is polyphagous and found in Central and South America. It is regarded as a pest of eucalypt trees.