Dasineura brassicae
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Author(s): Urs Wyss
Source: Arthropod-Plant Interactions (2021), 15 (5), p. 647
Dasineura brassicae (Winnertz, 1853) - (brassica pod midge)
This gall midge is a serious pest of oilseed rape (Brassica napus) in Europe. The females lay eggs into developing pods and the larvae feed on the inner pod wall and secrete enzymes, causing the pods to turn yellowish, swell and deform. Yield losses can exceed 50%. Alternative hosts are turnip rape (Brassica rapa subsp. oleifera) , cabbage, radish, and some cruciferous weeds. Management involves usually the application of pesticides.
The mature larvae drop to to ground and form cocoons in the top 5 cm of the soil, in which they pupate. There are typically 2 generations per year and the larvae of the 2nd generation enter winter diapause in the cocoons and pupate in spring.
For a review see Hausmann (2021).
Perrisia brassicae
Dasyneura brassicae
Vernacular names | |
• Deutsch: | Kohlschotenmücke Rapsgallmücke Kohlschotengallmücke |
• English: | brassica pod midge cabbage gall midge |
• Español: | cecidómido de las vainas de las crucíferas mosquito de la col mosquilla de la col |
• Français: | cécidomyie des siliques des crucifères cécidomyie du colza |